Start Your Semester with a Spring Cleaning

Do you have too many Tables of Contents cluttering up your collection? Are there multiple “test” rubrics and forms that need to be deleted? Is there an opportunity for your program leaders and department chairs to access their group data and work more efficiently?

Spring is the perfect time of year to review your system set-up, reorganize and reenergize in anticipation of a new semester! Contact your Adoption Consultant team today to request some time to get started with an informal, interactive system audit for Anthology Portfolio.

Top 5 Tips to Start Your Semester with a Spring Cleaning

1. Review system activity.

    •    Act on the submission/assessment trends via Student Results.

2. Review assessment submissions bulk actions.

    •    Create a newsletter to message your users about end-of-semester deadlines. 

3. Review the curriculum menu.

    •    How to edit or delete Tables of Contents, Assessment Instruments, and Forms.

4. Review placements.

    •    How to create and edit templates.

5. Review user type permissions.

    •    How to edit users and add permission overrides.

In Case You Missed It

Our product team has released a few system enhancements including the removal of the Experiential Learning advisor pairing requirements for placements. You can read what’s new in the Release Notes found here

Coming Soon

We want to save you time and make it even easier to add and maintain your placement data in Anthology Portfolio! Stay tuned for updates that include additional options for adding and updating placement details in bulk.