Edit Form Settings
This lesson will teach you how to edit Form Settings. Form Settings can be accessed to make changes to user eligibility, distribution settings, and availability.
Step 1: Access Forms

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Forms.
Step 2: Edit Form

4. Locate the form that you would like to edit and click anywhere on its row to reveal its options. Select Edit.
Step 3: Adjust Form Settings

On the Edit Form screen click on the Form Settings tab.
5. Select whether or not this form will be used as a Sample Form. Sample Forms are created as templates for duplication - they cannot be made visible or distributed.
6. Select whether or not this form will be Hidden. Hidden Forms are not visible in lists of forms.
7. Select the Eligible User Types for the Form.
8. Select the Distribution Settings.
9. Select the Availability for the Form - this dictates which users are able to view/take the form.
10. Once you are satisfied with your Form's settings, click Save Settings.