Import Outcome Set from System Library
Entering Outcome Sets into Anthology Portfolio can be a time consuming process, which is why we now offer a pre-loaded System Library. If the Outcome Set that you require in your institution's Anthology Portfolio site is in the System Library, you can have it imported within just a few clicks.
Step 1: Access Outcome Sets

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Outcome Sets.
Step 2: Access System Library

4. Click on the System Library tab.
5. Locate the Outcome Set that you would like to import and click anywhere on its row to reveal its actions. Select Preview.
Step 3: Preview the Outcome Set

6. Use the arrow next to an outcome section to drop-down its sub-sections.
7. Use the information icon associated with any outcome to reveal its description.
8. Click on the X to close the preview window.
Step 4: Import the Outcome Set

9. Again, click on the outcome set's row to reveal its options. Select Import.
Step 5: Edit the Outcome Set Information

10. Enter a Name for the Outcome Set.
11. Select a Parent Group for the Outcome Set.
12. Optionally select to Hide the Outcome Set. This will prevent the Outcome Set from being selectable for linking to Assessment Instruments.
13. Optionally enter a Description for the Outcome Set.
14. Click Save.