3. Link Instrument to Outcomes
Linking Assessment Instruments to Outcomes helps to collect data regarding learner skill development. There are specific ways of linking in order to ensure validity.
Step 1: Edit the Criterion

1. Click on the Instrument Editor tab if you are not on it already.
2. Hover your cursor over the Criterion that you would like to link to an Outcome, and click on its Outcome Links button.
Step 2: Edit Links

When the Links to Outcomes section drops down, it will either display any currently linked Outcomes, or indicate that none have been linked.
3. Click on the Edit Links icon.
Step 3: Select Outcome to Link

4. Uses the sources column, locate the Outcome Set.
In the middle column, locate and select the Outcome that you would like to link.
5. Use the Add Selected button or Drag-and-Drop the Outcome into the right column.
6. Click Close.
Step 4: View Links to Outcomes

7. The Outcome that you have just selected will now appear in the dropped-down Links to Outcomes section.
8. Click Close to hide the Links to Outcomes section.
Repeat steps 1-4 to link outcomes to any other Criterion.