3. Add Users to Department or Subgroup

Step 1: Select Main Department or Subgroup

Step 1: Select Main Department or Subgroup

1. Before you begin adding users to the Department, select where you would like those users to be added. Click on the Department or Subgroup name.

2. Use the Actions menu to select Add/Remove Users.

Step 2: Select Users

Step 2: Select Users

3. Use the Sources column to locate the current department (or choose "Unassigned") to locate the users in question.

4. Locate the user(s) in the middle column. Click on the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with the first letter of the user's last name. Drag-and-Drop the user into the third column, or use the Add All/Selected button.

5. Click Done.

6. The users will appear on the Edit Department screen, with the name of the Department or Subgroup to which they've been added.