Enable Pass/Fail Flags on Results
You can provide users with an option "PASS" or "FAIL" flag next to their assessment results to provide a very clear understanding of their grade. Use escalation options to set a pass/fail threshold, and any assessments going forward will provide this information. Further escalation rules are possible, but are not necessary.
NOTE: You will not be able to edit the instrument's escalation options if the instrument has been used in an assessment. You will need to duplicate the Assessment Instrument to use pass/fail flags, and make the appropriate linkage changes on tables of contents and/or outcomes.
Step 1: Access Assessment Instruments

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Assessment Instruments.
Step 2: Edit Assessment Instrument

Locate the assessment instrument on the Assessment Instruments screen.
4. Locate the Assessment Instrument that you would like to view, and click on it to reveal its options. Select Edit.
Step 3: Access Assessment Instrument Settings

5. Click on the Settings tab along the top of the Edit Assessment Instrument screen.
Step 4: Edit Escalation Options

Under the Escalation heading,
6. Click on the Set Escalation Options button.
7. Based On: Overall Instrument.
NOTE: "Pass" and "Fail" labels will only work if the "Overall Instrument" option is selected in the "Based On" field.
8. Use Pegmap: No Pegging.
9. Threshold: Set your pass/fail threshold.
10. Score Equal to Threshold Counts as a: Pass, or Fail. Define your threshold.
Once you have made the above selections, you must dictate what happens after the threshold is met. If you would like to have escalation occur, please visit our Escalation help page. Otherwise,
11. Under the Pass: Higher heading, select Completed.
12. Under the Fail: Lower heading, select End Assessment.
Step 5: Save Escalation Options

13. Click Save.