How do I renew a user?
This lesson will teach you how to renew expired users in Anthology Portfolio. Any type of account can be renewed in this way if your institution's Anthology Portfolio site has a positive balance of Bulk Codes with the appropriate privilege level.
If you are a student who has purchased an individual Renewal Code from your book store, please refer to the Renew Your Account help page.
Step 1: Access Codes

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Users & Groups.

3. Select Codes.
Step 2: Locate the Appropriate Code
Under the Bulk Registration Codes heading:
4. Locate the appropriate code.
5. Click anywhere on the code's row to reveal its options. Select Renew Users.
As of our 4.19 upgrade on September 11th, 2019 , there is no longer a difference between new subscription codes and renewal codes. All codes may now be used to create, renew, or upgrade a user account.
Step 3: Select User(s) to Renew

Using the buttons in the top, right of the Renew User(s) screen, select how you would like to proceed.
Use Selection Method: Provides you with a departmental list of users for you to select users to renew.
Use Text Entry Method: Provides you with a text-entry box for you to enter the name of users to renew.
If you Chose the Text-Entry Method:

6. Enter the names of the user(s) that you would like to renew. Each user name should appear on a new line.
7. Click Save.
If you Chose the Selection Method:

6. Select which type of user(s) you would like to select from: All Expired Users, All Users, or Users Expired by a Certain Date.
7. Select the Department that contains the User(s) that you would like to renew.
8. Locate the User(s) in the Members column and select them by clicking on them. Once highlighted in blue, click Add Selected. Alternatively, Drag-and-Drop each user into the Users to Renew column.
9. Click Save.
Step 4: Renewal Confirmation

Regardless of the renewal method that you chose, a confirmation message will appear in green to indicate the number of users that were renewed.