2. (Option D) Create a Singular Placement from a Template
This help page will walk you through the steps for creating a singular Placement from a template. Using a template to create one Placement at a time can be useful if you will be generating many Placements over time, but are not ready to create them all at once.
Simply Create a Placement Template and then use it to create Placements for the appropriate candidate. You can set up assessments and forms beforehand, but can also edit each Placement on a singular basis if they require something unique.
You should create or ensure that you have your prerequisite resources ready prior to creating a Placement. If you are uncertain of which resources you require, please visit our Create Prerequisite Resources help page.
Did you know?
Templates can be limiting if you are creating multiple Placements from a template that do not have 100% common information, such as location. Additionally, there are fields that cannot be entered into a template, such as start and end dates. Combining the use of a template with bulk-importing Placements can drastically improve your work-flow and save you time.
Our bulk-importer allows for more information to be included up-front but was limiting in the past because users could not import planned assessments or surveys. Now that users can reference a template for each Placement that they import, the template's planned assessments and surveys will be applied to the imported Placement with which the template is associated.
It is recommended that you use the Placements Templates feature to create planned assessments or surveys for Placements, but use the importer to import each individual placement. This will prevent the Administrator from having to access each Placement individually to enter specific information.
Step 1: Access Placements

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Experiential Learning.
Step 2: Access Templates

On the Experiential Learning screen:
3. Click on the Templates tab.
Under the Templates tab:
4. Locate the template that you would like to use for the new Placement, and click anywhere on its row to reveal its options. Select New Placement.
Step 3: Edit the Placement

5. Optionally edit the Name for the Placement.
6. Select your Candidate Selection method:
- Candidates will apply for this placement: this method will create a vacant Placement to which students can apply.
- I will select the candidate: the Administrator creating the Placement will select the candidate.
7. Select a Site Assessor for the Placement.
8. Optionally add another Stakeholder to the Placement.
9. Optionally choose the change the Location of the Placement.

10. Select a Start Date, End Date, and Length (hrs) for the Placement.
11. Optionally change the Department/Course to house the Placement.
12. Optionally change the Subject or Discipline that the Placement falls under.
13. Optionally change the Grade/Level that the Placement falls under.
If you would like to use a Custom Field that has not yet been added:
14. Select the Custom Field from the drop-down menu.
15. Click on the Add Field button.
16. Fill in the Custom Field with the appropriate information.

17. Optionally change the Application Form that candidates will use to apply to the Placement.
NOTE: If you have chosen to select the candidate manually, this option will not appear.
18. Optionally set an Open Date and/or Close Date for the application.
19. Optionally change the Journal Template that candidates will use to log their hours.

20. Lastly, review and optionally change or add Planned Assessments and/or Planned Surveys.