3. Distribute Form
This lesson will teach you how to distribute a form. Once a form has been created it must be distributed in order for it to be received and completed by users. Although each form type has a different distribution process, they must be edited first in order to select the Distribution Settings.
If you are using a form for Field Placements, you do not need to follow these steps for distribution. You will link the form to the Field Placement during creation of the Field Placement.
Distribute Demographic Forms

On the Edit Form screen select the Form Settings tab to begin.
1. Eligible User Type: Depending on whom the form applies to, select the Student and/or Assessor user types.
2. Distribution Settings:
- Active: The form will appear on the user's Dashboard in the Surveys widget.
- Prevent Users from Editing Completed Forms: Disables the user from making changes to a form once complete.
- Automatically Distributed & Mandatory: The form will appear for students prior to submitting their next work, and to assessors prior to completing their next assessment.
3. Automatically Sent to the Following Group(s): If 'Unassigned' is selected, the appropriate user types from all groups will have access to the form. If unchecked, you must select one or more groups for the form to apply to.
4. Click the Save Settings button.
Demographic forms cannot be redistributed to users whom have already completed the form, unless a change is made to the form. If a change is made to the form (e.g. the addition of new questions), users would then be presented with the form again in order to respond to the new questions.
Distribute Surveys

On the Edit Form screen select the Form Settings tab to begin.
1. Eligible User Types: Depending on whom the form applies to, select the Student and/or Assessor user types.
2. Distribution Settings:
- Active: The form will appear on the user's Dashboard in the Surveys widget.
- Prevent Users from Editing Completed Forms: Disables the user from making changes to a form once complete.
- Mandatory: Surveys that have been sent out to users will be required to be completed prior to submitting work. .
Do not select "Mandatory" if the form is meant to be a part of a branching question.
3. Available for the Following Group(s): If 'Unassigned' is selected, the appropriate user types from all groups will have access to the form. If unchecked, you must select one or more groups for the form to apply to.

4. Click the Save Settings button

In order to actually launch the survey, you will need to return to the main Forms screen, via the Curriculum menu.
5. On the main Forms screen locate the survey click on it to reveal its options. Select Survey Launch.
Surveys can be relaunched at any time.

Surveys are the only form type that can be distributed to individuals outside of Anthology Portfolio. They are also the only type of form that can be distributed to specific individuals.
6. Use the Sources column to locate the source that contains the users to whom you would like to send the survey.
7. Select the users in the Members column. Once selected, drag-and-drop or use the Add Select button to move the user into the third column.
8. Once all desired recipients have been added, click Launch to distribute the survey.
In order to use the contact list recipient option, the individual must have already been added to either the department contact list or your personal contact list via the Contact Lists Management screen. Please see the Add a Contact help page for more information about adding external individuals to your contact lists.
After launching the survey, recipients will receive an email notification as well as a prompt on their Dashboard Survey's tab requesting that they complete the survey form. If you wish to re-send the email notification to recipients who have not yet completed a previously launched survey please visit our Re-send Email Notification for Previously Launched Surveys help page.
Distribute Assessment/Portfolio Forms

On the Edit Form screen select the Form Settings tab to begin.
1. Eligible User Type: Depending on whom the form applies to, select the Student and/or Assessor user types.
2. Distribution Settings:
- Active: This option will make the assessment/portfolio form visible to students via the Add Form content option.
- Prevent Users from Editing Completed Forms: Disables the user from making changes to a form once complete.
3. Available for the Following Group(s): If 'Unassigned' is selected, the appropriate user types from all groups will have access to the form. If unchecked, you must select one or more groups for the form to apply.
4. Click the Save Settings button.
Assessment/Portfolio forms are distributed by linking them to a frame within a Table of Contents, which means that the form responses will be considered portfolio content. The student must submit in order for the form responses to become visible to other users in your CWPro site, including Administrators.
Distribute Course Evaluations

On the Edit Form screen select the Form Settings tab to begin.
1. Eligible User Types: Students are the only eligible users for Course Evaluations. This option will be automatically selected for you.
2. Distribution Settings:
- Active: This option will make the course evaluation form visible to administrators on the Edit Assessment Instrument screens. If a course evaluation form is linked to an assessment instrument, students who submit to this assessment instrument will be automatically prompted to complete the course evaluation when a subsequent submission to ANY other assessment instrument is initiated.
- Prevent Users from Editing Completed Forms: This option will prevent users from editing or updating the course evaluation after completion. If this option is not selected, users will have the option to edit and update the course evaluation anytime after completion.
3. Group(s): Select the group(s)/department(s) for which this form applies. If the form applies to all groups/departments in your system, select the All Groups option.
4. Save Settings: Once you have finished making your selections, click Save Settings.
Course Evaluation forms are not presented to the student when they submit to the assessment instrument/assignment to which it is linked, but during the next submission they make from their account for any other assessment instrument/assignment.

In order to link a Course Evaluation to an assessment instrument, you will need to access the instrument.
5. Click on the Main Menu icon.
6. Select Curriculum.

7. Select Assessment Instruments.

8. Locate the Assessment Instrument that you'd like to use for the Course Evaluation, and use its Actions menu to select Edit.

9. Click on the Settings tab.
10. Use the Course Evaluation drop-down menu to select the course evaluation form.
11. Click Save Settings.
Distribute Journals

On the Edit Form screen select the Form Settings tab to begin.
1. Eligible User Type: Depending on whom the form applies to, select the Student and/or Assessor user types.
2. Distribution Settings:
- Active: The form will appear on the user's Dashboard in the Surveys widget.
3. Available for the Following Group(s): If 'Unassigned' is selected, the appropriate user types from all groups will have access to the form. If unchecked, you must select one or more groups for the form to apply to.
4. Click the Save Settings button.