Send External Assessment (via Assessment Screen)
External Assessments can only be sent by an administrator without a submission from a student. This feature is used to send assessments and forms to local assessors and/or external assessors.
Step 1: Access Assessment Screen

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Assess.
Step 2: Send External Assessment

3. Click on the Tools icon.
4. Select Send External Assessments.
The default mode for sending External Assessments is the Standard Selection Mode. This mode should be used if you are only sending a minimal number of External Assessments. If you are sending many External Assessments at once, this mode can become cumbersome, therefore it is recommended that you switch to the Text-Entry Mode.
Before you begin, ensure that the external assessors' details are in the Department Contact Lists, accessible through the Contact List Manager option in your Main Menu. Be sure that the contact information relating to the external assessor(s) (name, email address etc.) is correct.

Once the 'Standard Selection' button has been chosen:
5. Click the Choose Instrument button to select an Assessment Instrument for the assessment.
6. Use the Form drop-down menu to select a form.\L If your external assessment will not use a form, select "No Form".
7. Click the Select Assessors button to select Assessors to assess the assessment. Once you have selected Assessors, they will appear under the "Selected Assessors" heading.
NOTE: If multiple Assessors are selected, each Assessor will receive an assessment for each student selected.
8. Click the Select Students button to select Students to send the external assessment to. Once you have selected Students, they will appear under the "Selected Students" heading. Please note that the students will not actually receive the assessment - it will go directly to the Assessors' "Pending Assessments" list.
9. Click the Send Assessments button.

Use the 'Text Entry Method' to enter a list of paired Assessor/Student names. Be sure to have an MS Excel spreadsheet or another electronic text file available with the necessary data before selecting the 'Text Entry Method'. Before you can send an external assessment the guest must be first added to the Department Contact List, accessible through the Contact List Manager option in your Main Menu.. Be sure that the contact information relating to the external assessor(s) (name, email address etc.) is correct and matches the information entered for the guest in the department contact list.
To switch to Text-Entry Method, click on the Switch to Text Entry Method button.

5. Click the Choose Instrument button to select an Assessment Instrument for the assessment.
6. Use the Form drop-down menu to select a form.\L If your external assessment will not use a form, select "No Form".
7. If you have saved a previous list for an external assessment, you may select it from the Load Existing List drop-down menu. If this is the first time sending the external assessment, leave "New List" selected.
8. Paste or enter your list of Assessors and Students into the Pairing List Text box.
9. Select the appropriate delimiter for the text that you pasted or entered. If you have pasted text from MS Excel, the delimiter will be "tab".
10. Define the first column as Assessors List or Students List.
11. Optionally Save List As: Enter a name for the external assessment, assign it to a department, and save it. This feature is useful if you will be sending this external assessment multiple times. Once saved, an external assessment can be found in the Load Existing List drop-down menu (as seen in #9).
12. Click the blue Continue button.

13. A summary of the external assessments will appear. Click Send Assessments.
Please note that the students will not actually receive the assessment - it will go directly to the Assessors' "Pending Assessments" list.