Run an Assessment Time Report
The Assessment Timer provides institution administrators to time all assessments in their Anthology Portfolio site, and report on the data. This provides the institution with a clear understanding of how much time their assessors are spending on each assessment.
NOTE: In order for this report to be available, the Assessment Timer Policy must be activated.
Step 1: Access Assessment Time Report

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Reporting.

3. Select Assessment Time Report.
Step 2: Run Report

4. Enter your From and To dates.
NOTE: The dates entered are based on the assessment date, not the submission date.
5. Click on the Choose Group button to select which department (or All Departments) you would like to report on.
6. Click the Generate Report button.
Step 3: View Report

The report will appear as a table and will contain Assessor information, number of un-timed assessments, number of timed assessments, total assessment time, and the average time assessing. Each assessor will appear in their own row. Additional information and options include:
7. The # of Assessors, Number of Average Assessments Per Assessor, and the Average Time Per Assessment.
8. Easily Copy, Export as CSV, or Print the report.