Duplicate Table of Contents
Each Table of Contents within your institution's Anthology Portfolio site can be duplicated, and this lesson will teach you how make copies. Duplication can be beneficial if you would like to create a very similar Table of Contents, but would not like to disrupt the current Table of Contents' linkages etc.
Step 1: Access the Table of Contents

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Tables of Contents.
Step 2: Duplicate the Table of Contents

4. Locate the Table of Contents that you would like to duplicate.
5. Click anywhere on the table of content's row to reveal its options. Select Duplicate.
Step 3: Name and Assign the New Table of Contents

6. Enter a New Name for the Table of Contents.
7. Select the Department that the Table of Contents will reside within.
8. Select whether or not you would like to Copy Assessment Instrument Links from the original Table of Contents.
9. Click Save.