Create or Edit Escalation Options
This lesson will teach you how to create or edit the Escalation Options for a specific Assessment Instrument. The Assessment Escalation process allows you to automate submissions through a leveled series of scoring procedures. At each level you may choose individual assessors or submission to assessor pools for scoring and choose to use the same or a different Assessment Instrument. You may add as many assessment levels as you would like. The submission can be branched in various ways according to the threshold score assigned at each level.
Escalation rules do not apply to Collective Review assessments. If you are using this assessment instrument for Collective Review Assessments, any escalation rules applied to the instrument will be ignored and will not be applied to this workflow.
You can create one rule per escalation, and up to five rules to take place. If you create more than one rule, they will occur in succession rather than simultaneously.
Step 1: Access Assessment Instruments

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Assessment Instruments.
Step 2: Edit Assessment Instrument

4. Locate the Assessment Instrument that you would like to view and click on it to reveal its options. Select Edit.
Step 3: Access Instrument Settings

5. Click on the Settings tab.
Step 4: Edit Escalation Options

6. Select Escalation according to these rules.
7. Click on the Set Escalation Options button.

On the Escalation Options screen:
8. Select the preferred option for Initial Student Notification.
9. Select the preferred option for Initial Result Available to Student?
The Notify & Release Options apply only to the initial assessments complete on the instrument when escalation rules are applied. The rules do not apply for subsequent assessments completed as a result of escalation rules.
10. Select what the pass/fail threshold score will be based on - the Overall Instrument score or one specific criterion score.
Only one criterion may be selected for the escalation rule.
11. Select a Pegmap, if desired. If you are not familiar with how this feature is used please visit our Pegging help page.
12. Enter a Threshold Score and indicate if this score represents a Pass or Fail.

13. In the Pass: Higher column, complete the path that the assessment will take if the initial assessment had a passing score.
14. In the Fail: Lower column, complete the path that the assessment will take if the initial assessment had a failing score. If you have selected to return the work to the student you must enter a message that the student will receive when their work is returned to them.
If you wish to select an Assessor Pool, this pool can ONLY be using one of the following distribution options:
- Send to One Assessor at Random
- Send to all Members - Keep Only an Aggregate Score
- Send to X Members - Keep only an Aggregate Score.
You cannot use an assessor pool which has a distribution setting to send the submission to multiple members and retain individual scores as this would cause a never-ending loop of escalation.
If you choose for the work to be assessed elsewhere, you will have the option to make the Assessor anonymous to the student on their results.
15. Select the Notify & Release Options if the work will be assessed elsewhere. These selections apply to subsequent assessments completed as a result of the escalation rules.