View User(s) File Usage Report
This lesson will teach you how to search for specific users and view their account usage in MB. Usage is broken down into various file types: documents, videos, audio, images, or totals.
Step 1: Access the Users Screen

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Users & Groups.

3. Select Users.
Step 2: Start File Usage Report

4. Click on the File Usage Report button.
Step 3: Optionally Narrow Report Results

5. To narrow your search, you can use the various filter options (Group/Department, Permissions Group(s), Search Term) and click File Usage Report again.
6. Optionally sort the results by the most or least usage for Documents, Video, Audio, Images, or Total Usage. Sort by clicking on the column header.
7. Optionally export your file usage report results as a CSV file.