Bulk Change User Information
This lesson will teach you how to bulk change user information. This can be useful if you need to generate a new/random password for one or more users, adding multiple users to a department, and more.
Additionally, users whose accounts were created by an Administrator using a bulk registration code are typically sent an email notification with their login information. If during the account creation process, the 'Send email to user(s)' option was not selected, users will not receive their User ID and Password via email notification. Generating a new random password will trigger a new notification to be sent with the user's login information.
This help page demonstrates bulk changing user passwords, though (with the appropriate adjustments) it may be used to bulk change any user information.
Step 1: Generate Spreadsheet with User Updates

If you are updating a large number of users, it is wise to generate a spreadsheet with the changes to simplify the process.
Include column headers based on the Columns & Notes for This Importer so that you don't have to define the columns online.
Unique Identifier: An identifier for the user. Full name, email address, student # or user ID. Column Header: identifier
Full Name: Full Name Column Header:name
First Name: First Name Column Header: first_name
Last Name: Last Name Column Header: last_name
Last Name, First Name: Last Name, First Name Column Header: name_full
Requested UserID: Requested User Identity. If this column is not defined a user identity will be generated automatically. Column Header: requested_userid
Password: The user’s password can be updated. If this column is defined using * in the row, a new password will be generated automatically. Column Header: requested_password
Email Address: Email Address Column Header: email
Student Number: Student Number Column Header: student_number
Group Names:
- If the group name is preceded with a '-' the user is removed from the group.
- Adding # clears any overrides the user has in the group.
- Adding @ or ` gives the user admin override in the group.
- Adding ~ give the user admin override (limited) in the group.
- Adding ^ gives the user placement clerical override in the group.
- Adding $ give the user reporting override in the group.
- Adding * gives the user assessor override in the group (Course Groups only).
- Adding % makes the user the owner of the group (Course and Advisor groups only).
- Multiple groups can be separated by a |.
- Column Header: group_names
Force Expiry: 'yes' or 'y' or '1' will set the user's expiry date to yesterday. Column Header: expire
Step 2: Access the Users Screen

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Users & Groups.

3. Select Users.
Step 3: Bulk Change User Information

4. Click the Bulk Change User Information button.
Step 4: Enter User Information

On the Update Users screen:
5. Optionally select Send email to user(s) if their password has changed. This will prompt an email to the user to notify them of their new password.
6. Select the Delimiter that you would like to use. Delimiter options are comma, pipe, or tab. If you are copying content from a Microsoft Excel form, select 'Delimiter'.
7. Select whether or not your import text has a header row.
8. Paste your import text into the text-entry box.
9. Click on the Identify Columns button.
Step 5: Define Columns

A sample of your import text will appear on the screen, which you will use to define your columns. The content that does not appear in this sample will be included in the import.
10. Confirm that your columns are defined correctly OR define your columns using the drop-down menus.
11. Click Validate.
Step 6: Account Update Confirmation

The user(s) update will be confirmed in green.