View Table of Contents
The View option for a Table of Contents allows you to view a Table of Contents as it would appear in a Portfolio without having to create a Portfolio. You are able to interact with the Table of Contents by clicking on the various sections, viewing frames, etc. Additionally, you can view the Table of Contents' settings, and the editing history. This lesson will teach you how to access this feature, and locate the various options within the Table of Contents.
Step 1: Access the Table of Contents

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Tables of Contents.
Step 2: View the Table of Contents

4. Locate the Table of Contents that you would like to view.
5. Click anywhere on the table of content's row to reveal its options. Select View.
Step 3: Interact with the Table of Contents

6. View which Department this Table of Contents is contained within, as well as how many sections it has, and how many Portfolios have been created using the Table of Contents.
7. Use the tabs above the Table of Contents to navigate:
- Content Structure: Enables you to view the Table of Contents as it would appear in a Portfolio setting.
- Settings: Enables you to view the Table of Contents' settings.
- Portfolio Progress: Enables you to see which users have created portfolios using this Table of Contents, their last edit date and submission information.
- All Unsubmitted: Enables you to see which users have not yet made submissions from their portfolios which utilize this Table of Contents.
- History: Enables you to view the Table of Contents' history. If any changes have been made to the Table of Contents, you will find them here.
8. Use the Duplicate Table of Contents button, or the Edit button to create an exact duplicate of, or edit this Table of Contents.

9. Use the Content Structure tab to navigate through the different sections of the Table of Contents.
Once on a section:
10. View the Section Description.
11. View the Frames on the Section. This will allow you to view the frames on the section, as well as download any attached files.
12. View Linked Assessment Instruments. This will provide you with the option to view the actual instrument within your browser.