Search for an Existing Placement
Step 1: Access Placements

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Placements.
Step 2: Reveal Search Options

3. Click on the Search Placements drop-down.
Step 3: Enter Search Parameters
All of the search parameters are optional. Your search results will be based off of whatever changes you make to the default parameters.
4. Enter a date range that would contain the Start Date of the Placement.
5. Use the Status drop-down menu to select the Placement's status.
6. Select to include/exclude unconfirmed, cancelled, and/or completed Placements.
7. Enter a numerical range that would contain the number of Completed Hours for the Placement.
8. Select an Institutional Advisor.
9. Select a Student.
10. Select a Stakeholder. As you type the Stakeholder's name into the text-entry box, matches in the system will appear for you to choose.
11. Select the Department/Group that contains the Placement.

12. Enter the full or partial Location Name.
13. Use the School Type drop-down menu to select the school type.
14. Select whether or not you would like to include/exclude Unfilled Placements
15. If applicable, search by Custom Fields.
NOTE: Custom Fields will only appear in the "Placements Search" if it was made "searchable" upon creation.
16. Select which columns should appear in your report/search results.
17. Click Search.
Step 4: View Results

All of the Placements that match your search parameters will appear listed in a table. Once you have located the Placement that you are looking for:
18. Click anywhere on the Placement's row to reveal its options.