1. Set Up Pre-requisite Resources
1. Create Assessment Instrument(s)
If you would like to have candidate, advisors, or other stakeholders complete assessments/evaluations during the placement, you will need to create the assessment instruments in the system before you create your placements.
For steps to create assessment instruments, please visit our Create an Assessment Instrument workflow help pages.
NOTE: Any type of Assessment Instrument can be used for Placements, but they must be set to the Manual regime on the Settings tab when editing the assessment instrument.
2. Create Journal Template(s)
Journal templates allow candidates to track hours, activities, reflections and any other desired logs during their placement. They also allow for supervisor sign off of the journal entries, if desired. You will need to create the journal template in the system before you can create your placements.
For steps to create a journal template, please visit our Create Journal Templates for Hours Tracking help page.
NOTE: A Journal Template is required on all placements, regardless of whether or not you are requiring candidates to track hours/activities. If you are not planning to have candidate track these items we recommend that you create a journal template without any questions to use as a placeholder on the placement.
3. Create Form(s)
If you would like to have candidate, advisors, or other stakeholders complete forms during the placement, you will need to create the forms in the system before you create your placements. Forms can be used for surveys, user agreements, and/or to collect any other type of data which is not assessment/rubric-based (assessment instruments should be used for evaluation/grading purposes).
For steps to create a form, please visit our Create a Form workflow help pages.
NOTE: Only the Survey form type can be used for Placements and you are not required to distribute the survey as you will be linking it to the placement for distribution.
4. Create Guest Accounts for External Stakeholders
If the external stakeholders needed for your upcoming placements have already been added to your Anthology Portfolio system as Guests OR if the external stakeholders will be provided with regular Assessor accounts, you can skip this step.
Typically, an external stakeholder is identified as an individual who does not work for your institution, but will be required to view a student placement, track student progress, complete assessments, complete forms and/or sign-off on journal entries. These types of individuals can be added to the system as Guest users, rather than regular Assessors.
Guest accounts provide streamlined access to the placements, assessments, forms, journal sign-offs, etc. via targeted email notifications. You will need to create the Guest accounts in the system before you can create your placements.
For steps to create Guest accounts, please visit the following two help pages:
1. Create a Department Contact List (if you have not already done this in the past)
2. Import Guests to a Contact List
5. Create Candidate-Advisor Pairings
Each student affiliated with a Placement can optionally be paired with an "institutional advisor" in the system. The "institutional advisor" can be a regular Assessor or an Administrator and is typically an individual who works at your institution and who is responsible for overseeing the student's placement. By pairing the student with an institutional advisor you will give this individual access to the student's placement via their own account. They may or may not be required to complete assessments and/or surveys during the placement as well.
For steps to create Candidate-Advisor pairings, please visit our Create Candidate-Advisor Pairings help page.
6. Create Templates (optional)
Although the use of Templates in the creation of placements is not a requirement, it is recommended if your placements will share any of the same information (e.g. stakeholders, stakeholder titles, location, number of required hours, department, subject/discipline, grade/level, custom fields, journal templates, etc.).
Furthermore, if you will be setting up planned assessments and/or survey forms for your placements, setting up these assessments/surveys on a template will eliminate the need for you to add the assessments/surveys manually to each individual placement.
When you create your placements (manually or via the bulk import method) you can select a template that you wish to use for the placements so that all information and planned assessments/surveys entered on the template will automatically be applied to the placements that you are creating. This is a huge time saver.
You can create as many templates as you need in order to cover all of the different combinations of placement information and planned assessments/surveys needed for different placements.
For more steps to create Templates, please visit our Create Placement Template help page.
7. Create Placements
Once you have completed the setup of all pre-requisite resources listed above you can create the placements for your students.
We recommend using the Bulk Import Placements option if you need to create more than a few placements and if you have created Templates with your common information, assessments and/or surveys. This is the quickest option for creating placements.
Alternatively, if you only need to create one or a small number of placements or if you would prefer to set up the placements one at a time you can choose from one of the manual setup options:
NOTE: The recommended method for creating placements is the Bulk Import Placements option as it is the most efficient.