Newsflashes appear in the 'News & Recent Activity' section of the Dashboard. Administrators can create newsflashes to provide specific user roles (Students, Assessor and/or Administrators) with quick links to announcements, important information, resources, and more.
Step 1: Access Newsflashes

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select System.

3. Select Newsflashes.
Step 2: Add a New Newsflash

4. Click the Add New Newsflash button.
Step 3: Enter Newsflash Content

On the Create Newsflash screen you may:
5. Select whether you would like to Type In a URL or Upload File to your Newsflash. Depending on which you have selected, you will either need to enter a URL or Upload a file.
6. Select which Privilege Levels the Newsflash will apply to.
7. To create your Newsflash, enter the Headline and Newsflash Content of the Newsflash in the text editor.
8. Click Save.
Step 4: Release Newsflash

Return to the main Newsflashes screen.
9. Locate the Newsflash that you would like to release, and use its Actions menu to select Release.
NOTE: Once a Newsflash has been released, it cannot be edited. In order to edit a released Newsflash, select 'Withdraw' from the Actions menu, and re-release it when finished editing.