4. Create Campaign

Campagins are used to generate the Collective Review assessments by sending files from your Collection(s) to Assessors to complete. When setting up the Campaigns, you will determine the rules for the assessment activity/workflow that will be applied to the assessments of the files that are selected from the desired Collection(s).

The data collected via these assessments can then be reported on using Results Analytics, Student Results, and/or Agreement Reporting.

1. Access Collective Review

1. Click on the main Menu.

2. Select Collective Review.

2. Create New Campaign

3. Click on the Campaigns tab.

4. Click New Campaign button.

5. Enter a name for the Campaign. You can also enter a description for how it will be used, if desired.

It is recommended that you include specific details related to the assessment purpose, activity, workflow, program, date, etc. in the name of the Campaign. This information will allow you to more easily search for, and organize, your Campaigns over time.

6. Click Choose Instrument to select the Assessment Instrument you wish to use for the Campaign. Once the Campaign is saved, you cannot change the Assessment Instrument.

7. Select the desired Distribution method for the Campaign:

8. Click Save at the top of the screen to create your Campagin.