Manage Custom Fields
Custom Fields allow Administrators to create field in Placements that do not currently exist in Anthology Portfolio's template. Creating a Custom Field and including it in a Placement allows you to collect data that is specific to your school, program, or candidates.
Step 1: Access Placements

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Experiential Learning.
Step 2: Create a Custom Field
3. Click on the Custom Fields tab.
4. Click on the Create New Field button.

5. Enter a Name for the Custom Field.
6. Select the Input Type. A Type-In question will provide the candidate with a single-line text box. A Multiline Text question will provide the candidate with a multiline text box.
7. Select whether or not the Custom Field will be Searchable. If "Searchable" is selected, the Custom Field will appear as a search option on the Placement Search window.
8. Select whether or not you would like the Custom Field to be Included in New Placements.
9. Select Visibility Options for the Custom Field. These options dictate to whom the field will be visible.
10. Click Save.
Step 3: View Custom Field

Your new Custom Field will appear in a table under the Custom Fields tab. You can edit or delete the Custom Field by clicking on it.