Import Guests to a Contact List
Importing guests to a contact list allows you to bulk-add users rather than adding them one by one.
It is important to note that you will need to have the contact list created prior to importing contacts to it.
Step 1: Create Contact Spreadsheet

Before you begin the import process in Anthology Portfolio, you should create a spreadsheet with the contacts that you would like to import. Possible columns include:
- Full Name: Enter the user's full name, formatted as "First Last" (i.e. John Doe). The column header should be name.
- Full Name (formatted): Enter the user's full name, formatted as "Last, First" (i.e. Doe, John). The column header should be name_full.
- First Name: Enter the user's first name, formatted as "First" (i.e. John). The column header should be first_name.
- Last Name: Enter the user's last name, formatted as "Last" (i.e. Doe). The column header should be last_name.
- Email Address: Enter the user's email address. The column header should be email.
- Phone Number: Enter the user's phone number. The column header should be phone_number.
You must include a first and last name and an email address for a guest user. Including a phone number is optional.
Step 2: Access the Contact List Manager

1. Click on the Main Menu.
2. Select Contact List Manager.
Step 3: Import Contacts

3. Click on the Import Contacts button.

4. Select the Contact List Type that you would like to import to (Departmental or Personal)
5. Select the Contact List.
Don't see the correct departmental contact list?
You cannot import guests to a departmental contact list if the list does not yet exist. Please create a contact list prior to importing.
6. Select the Delimiter. If you will be pasting your import text from a spreadsheet, select Tab.
7. Select whether or not your spreadsheet includes a Header Row. If you have not included a header row, you will need to select definitions later.
8. Paste or enter your Import Text into the text box.
9. Click Identify Columns.

A sample of your import data will appear which should be used to ensure that your columns are defined correctly. Even if you do not see all of your rows listed, they will be included in the import.
If your columns are not defined correctly or if you did not provide column headers,
10. Use the drop-down columns to define each column.
11. Click Validate.

Review all of your valid rows for importing. If you are satisfied,
12. Click on the Finished. Import my Data button.

If any of your rows errors, you will have a chance to update the errors so that they will be included in the import.
Step 4: Import Confirmation

The import will be confirmed in green.