Distance Learning Resources

During today's rapidly changing landscape we understand that many of you are having adjust to new work protocols. We wanted to let you know that the team at Chalk & Wire fully empathize and are here to help.

Over the coming weeks, we will be sharing a number of quick links to helpful information and instructional resources to assist with maintaining momentum and thriving while working off-campus.

Please check back often as these resources are updated on an ongoing basis. 

For Faculty and Administrators

Edit/adjust Experiential Learning placements start/end dates as well as planned assessments and surveys.

Keep users informed. Optimize the use of system-wide newsflashes and newsletters.

Create more robust assignment instructions and embedded resources in the Table of Contents frame of instructions for student portfolios.

Consider sending a “climate survey” to check-in with users; everything from checklists to help them stay on track to opinion polls to use later to disaggregate assessment data.

Take inventory of your resources and perform some ‘Spring cleaning’ by archiving old, retired and unused assessments.

Start, finish and redo outcomes/standards linking to assessment instruments.

Explore the use of tags in the Chalk & Wire system to track and report on activity.

Save time and clicks by integrating with your LMS.

For Students/Learners

Troubleshooting and/or enhanced usage of the tools.

Did you know that you can create unlimited portfolios for personal or professional purposes? Take this time to get a head start on that career portfolio!