Pegging schemes are used to map the internal scores maintained in the database with external scores, such as percentages or letter grades. Once a pegging scheme has been created and attached to an assessment instrument, assessments will be done using the external scale. When a pegging scheme is applied to an instrument, the assessor sees the external scale during assessment. You may also choose to use letter grades as pegs. In this case, each level must have an assigned letter grade (not just the high and low levels).
Step 1: Access Pegging

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Pegging.
Step 2: Add Pegging Scheme

On the Pegging screen,
4. Click on the Add Pegging Scheme button.

5. Enter a Name for the new Pegging Scheme.
Note: When name a pegging scheme, use a descriptive title that describes the relationship between the internal and external score, rather than describing the instrument or the department of the instrument to which you are applying the scheme. This way, the pegging scheme can be utilized for multiple instruments (where applicable).
6. Click Continue.

7. Adding Pegs:
Click the Add Peg button and enter a lower limit for the external score. Once you are satisfied with the new peg, click the Update link. Using the same method, add another peg to enter the high internal score, and Update. Set the high internal peg score to match the high score of the rubric(s) that you have chosen. This is the high score on the existing instrument to which you will be applying the pegging scheme (peg map).
8. Adding Assessment Instruments:
Once you have saved your new pegs, a list of Assessment Instruments will appear in the Assessment Instruments Available column. Locate and select the appropriate instrument(s). Once selected, use the >> button to move them into the Assessment Instruments Using this Pegging column.
If you choose multiple instruments, they must all have the same high internal score. Leave the low internal score set at zero. The system will assign the intermediary scores to correspond to pegs at equal intervals of 0.5. You may alternatively choose to set pegs at unequal intervals.
9. Once satisfied with the new pegging scheme choose to Save in the top right corner.