2. Adjust Instrument Settings
After creating your Assessment Instrument, you will be required to complete the Instrument Setup. This is where you will select how students will be notified of the assessment's completion, how the instrument will be scored, and more. Please note that each Instrument Setup varies on Instrument type, and that this page is all-inclusive. If your instrument does not have all of these options, simply move on to the next one that is available.
Step 1: Complete Instrument Setup

Navigate the to Settings tab that is associated with your Assessment Instrument.
1. Optionally edit the instrument Name.
2. Optionally add/edit the instrument Description.
3. Optionally choose/change the Assessment Instrument's Parent Group (department).
4. Select Notify & Release Options, and whether or not Assessors may edit them during assessment.
Notify Student of Initial Result? This option refers to when the student will be notified of the completed assessment.
- Yes: If you choose to notify the student, an email will be sent to alert them of the completed assessment. If you have also chosen to release the results, the student will be able to view the completed assessment from the My Results screen.
- No: You can also choose not to notify the student, which means they will not receive an email when the assessment is completed.
- Notify Only When Results Released: This option should be selected if you do not want to notify the student that the assessment is completed until you decide to release the results. In this case, you would be selecting to hold the results of the assessment as well. Only when the results are released will the student be notified of the completed assessment.
- Notify After Final Escalation Level Complete: This option should be select if the student's work will be sent through escalation, and you would not like for them to see their score until all assessments in the escalation process have been completed.
Initial Result Available to Student? This option refers to when the assessment results will be made available to the student (i.e. visible on the student's My Results screen).
- Immediately: If this option is selected, clicking the Save button, will trigger the release of the completed assessment results. Students will be able to access their results from the My Results screen immediately.
- Never: This option will prevent students from ever seeing the results of the assessment\L .
- Held Until Released: This option will prevent the results of the completed assessment from being released when completed and will hold the results on your Unreleased Assessments screen until you decide to release them.
- After Final Escalation Level Complete: This option will release the results when the final level of escalation for the instrument has been completed.

6. Select a Pegmap (optional): If you will be applying a Pegging Scheme to this Assessment Instrument, use the drop-down menu to select the desired Pegmap.
7. Select a Course Evaluation (optional): If you would like a Course Evaluation form to be completed by students after submitting work to this Assessment Instrument, use the drop-down menu to select the desired course evaluation. For a Self-Evaluation instrument, select Self-Evaluation.
8. Select to Anonymize the Students: If you would like for the submissions from students on this assessment instrument to appear anonymously, select Anonymous Students, otherwise, leave the default select of No.
9. Select the Assessment Regime: The assessment regime refers to how the work will be submitted and whom will complete the assessment. If the student will be required to submit work to an assessor whom has a Anthology Portfolio account, leave the default selection of Candidate Chooses Assessor.
If you are using the Assessment Instrument for a Field Placement, select Assessor Enters Scores Manually.
10. Setup an Escalation scheme (optional): If you would like the initial assessment to be escalated and assessed elsewhere (another assessor or an assessor pool) after it is completed, select Escalation according to these rules and click the Set Escalation Options button.
11. If you have made any changes on the Settings tab, click Save.