Track Portfolio Progress
Portfolio Progress allows Administrators to track student progress via a Table of Contents. This is a great tool for identifying which students have submitted or have not yet submitted specific assignments or required items. You can also use this tool to track progress towards completion when using content requirements and the completion of assessments on submitted items.
Step 1: Access Tables of Contents

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Tables of Contents.
Step 2: View the Table of Contents

On the Tables of Contents screen, locate the Table of Contents that you would like to view progress on.
4. Once you have located the appropriate Table of Contents, click anywhere on its row to reveal its options. Select View.
Step 3: Track Portfolio Progress

5. Click on the Portfolio Progress tab.
6. Use the Portfolio Search options to enter the desired search parameters for the portfolios or students you wish to review. You can search by the date the portfolio was last edited (default is the last 4 weeks), the portfolio owner's department/group or by individual user. You can also select to include Collaborative Portfolios and expired users.
7. Click Search.

A table will appear containing a list of all users who have a portfolio using this Table of Contents. Here you can view the name of the portfolio owner, the name of the portfolio, the date the portfolio was last edited and the number of assignments/items that have been submitted, not submitted and not started (content has not yet been added to the page).
NOTE: the numbers listed in the Submissions and Unsubmitted columns are generated based on the number of assessment instruments linked to the Table of Contents.
8. To review a specific student's progress, click anywhere in the row and select Progress Details or View Submissions.
NOTE: If you select Progress Details you will be able to review which sections of the portfolio have been submitted by the student and which have not. For those that have been submitted you can see the status of the assessment (pending, complete or held) and the overall score (if the assessment has been completed). If you select View Submissions you will be able to review all submissions made by this student via this Table of Contents.
Step 4: View All Unsubmitted

7. Click on the All Unsubmitted tab.
8. Use the Portfolio Page Search options to enter the desired search parameters for the portfolios or students you wish to review. You can search by the date the portfolio was last edited (default is the last 4 weeks), the portfolio owner's department/group, individual user, Assessment Instrument and Table of Contents page/section. You can also select to include Collaborative Portfolios and expired users.
9. Click Search.

A table will appear containing a list of all students who have not yet submitted the pages/sections of the Table of Contents for which you have searched. In the Content Completion column, you can see whether or not work has begun on the portfolio page.