Add a Contact or Guest
This help page will walk you through the process of bulk- or singularly-adding guests to your Anthology Portfolio site.
A Guest account can be useful if an Assessor does not work for your institution, but will be assessing a student at your institution within the Anthology Portfolio environment. Guest accounts have limited access to the site and its contents, and do not require a code for creation.
Access the Contact List Manager

1. Click on the Main menu.
2. Select Contact List Manager.
If you are adding guests in BULK, please proceed to next step. If you are adding guests INDIVIDUALLY, please skip to the "Add Guests Individually" step.
Add Guests in Bulk
If you have a large number of Guests to enter, it is best to add them all at once.
Step 1: Access Bulk Importer

3. Click on the Import Contacts button.
Prior to importing Guests in bulk, you will need to have created a Department Contact List. If you have not done so, please visit the Create Department Contact List help page for instructions.
Step 2: Select Contact List for Guests

4. Use the Contact List Type drop-down menu to select Department.
5. Select the appropriate Contact List.
6. Click Continue.
Step 3: Enter Guest Information

In order to create an account you must provide the following information (minimum requirement): First Name, Last Name, Email Address. Please review the full list of accepted columns for the importer below:
You must select a name option (full, full (formatted), or First AND Last), as well as an email address in order to create a user in Anthology Portfolio.
- Full Name: Enter the user's full name, formatted as "First Last" (i.e. John Doe). The column header should be name.
- Last Name, First Name: Enter the user's full name, formatted as "Last, First" (i.e. Doe, John). The column header should be name_full.
- First Name: Enter the user's first name, formatted as "First" (i.e. John). The column header should be first_name.
- Last Name: Enter the user's last name, formatted as "Last" (i.e. Doe). The column header should be last_name.
- Email Address: Enter the user's email address. The column header should be email.
- Phone Number: Enter the user's phone number. This column header should be phone_number.
6. Select the Delimiter style (tab, pipe, comma).
If you will be copying and pasting the user's information from an Excel spreadsheet, select the tab delimiter. If you will be typing the text in manually, it is recommended that you use the comma (,) or pipe (|) delimiters.
7. Select whether or not your import text contains a header row. If you include a header row, the columns will be defined automatically in the next step.
8. Enter the new user(s) information into the text-entry box by copying and pasting from an Excel spreadsheet OR by manually entering the information. You must enter a valid email address for all new users in order create the account.
When pasting information from an Excel spreadsheet, do not include empty cells from the spreadsheet. They will cause an error when creating the accounts. Only highlight and copy cells containing the user information.
8. Click Identify Columns.
Step 4: Define Columns

A sample of your import text will appear on the screen, which you will use to define your columns. The content that does not appear in this sample will be included in the import.
9. Confirm that your columns are defined correctly OR define your columns using the drop-down menus.
10. Click Validate.

Review your import information one last time and make any updates that you see fit. Once you are satisfied,
11. Click on the Finished. Import my Data button.
Step 5: User Creation Confirmation

The new accounts will be confirmed in green.
Add Guests Individually
If you only have one or a few guests to add, you might consider adding them individually.
Step 1: Locate Department Guest List

3. Using the Sources column, click on the Department Contact Lists option to reveal the appropriate list. Select the list by clicking on it.
4. In the middle column, click on the Add Guests button.
Step 2: Add Guest

5. Enter the Required information for the guest (first name, last name, email address). You may also enter any of the other information if you would like.
6. Click Save.