1. Create Table of Contents
Tables of Contents act as an organizing structure within portfolios, which students select upon portfolio creation. Assessment Instruments and Outcome Sets can be linked to Tables of Contents to create meaningful data through assessments. Tables of Contents are the interface that connects students to the assessment system.
Step 1: Access the Tables of Contents Feature
1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Curriculum.
3. Select Tables of Contents.
Step 2: Create a New Table of Contents
On the Tables of Contents screen:
4. Click the New Table of Contents button.
Step 3: Set Table of Contents Options
5. Enter a Name for the new Table of Contents.
6. Choose which Parent Group (Department) the Table of Contents will belong to.
7. Choose whether or not you would like to Lock All Pages.
8. Select which Assessors can be selected for submissions.
9. Click Save.