Create Placement Template(s)
Placement Templates can be used over-and-over again to generate the same or similar Placements. You can use this creation method to assign a Placement to a student, or to create a vacant Placement.
Step 1: Access Placements

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Experiential Learning.
Step 2: Create a New Template

On the Experiential Learning screen:
3. Click on the Templates tab.
Under the Templates tab:
4. Click on the New Template button.
Step 3: Fill Out Template

5. Enter a Name for the template.
6. Select a Site Assessor for the Placement. The Site Assessor is the Assessor at the Placement who will be supervising and assessing the Candidate.
7. Optionally Add a New Stakeholder. A Stakeholder is another party who will have access to the Placement, similar to a Site Assessor.
8. Select a Location for the Placement. You can opt to select an Existing Location in the system, or Create a New Location.

9. Enter the Length (in hours) for the Placement.
10. Select the Department/Course with which the Placement will be associated.
11. Select the Subject or Discipline and the Grade/Level.
12. Optionally select Custom Field(s). Custom Fields can be created by Administrators, and used in any Placement. To learn more, please visit our Manage Custom Fields help page.
13. Select an Application Form for Candidates to use to apply to the Placement.
14. If using an Application Form, select the Application Limit for the vacant placement. This option allows you to limit the number of concurrent applications to this Placement at one time. Rejected applications do not count towards to the total.
15. Select a Journal Template for Candidates to use to log their hours.
Step 4: Save the Template

Once you have entered all of your template information, scroll to the top of your screen:
16. Click the Save Placement button.
Step 5: Add Assessments and Forms

After you have saved the template, the options to create Planned Assessments and Planned Surveys will appear.
It is recommended that you create Planned Assessments and Planned Surveys if the Assessments and Surveys are common and will be required for the majority of Placements being created with this template.
To do so, simply click on the Set Up Assessment and/or Set Up Survey buttons and follow the on-screen steps.