Import Form Responses

It is only possible to import form responses to Survey and Demographic types of forms.

The most common scenarios for importing form responses is to import Demographic Survey responses to use as a filter in reporting, or to enter information that was collected outside of Anthology Portfolio.

It is easiest to import form responses by creating a spreadsheet containing the desired information and then creating a form to import these responses into. Follow the steps below to import your demographic responses.

If you are importing Demographic Survey responses to use for filtering data in Results Live, you should import to the Single- or Multiple-Choice question types to ensure more accurate and complete filtering.

Step 1: Create Spreadsheet

Step 1: Create Spreadsheet

1. In the first column, enter the heading Student Name with the respondent's full names below, as they appear in Anthology Portfolio.

If you are importing form responses from Guests, include an exclamation point in the column header. i.e: Student Name!

2. In the remaining columns, the headings should be exactly the same as the form's questions OR exactly the same as the questions' abbreviations. Enter the corresponding answers for each respondent.

If you use responses with unique values (such as age or years-experience, etc.) set up ranges rather than individual values for the responses. For example, possible response options for age may be:

  • 18 - 25
  • 26 - 35
  • 36 - 45
  • 46 and above

Step 2: Access Form

Step 2: Access Form

3. Click on the Main Menu icon.

4. Select Curriculum.

5. Select Forms.

Step 3: View Form

Step 3: View Form

6. Locate the form that you would like to import responses to and click anywhere on its row to reveal its options. Select Import Responses.

Step 4: Import Responses

8. Enter a Response Date for the imported responses.

9. Select a Delimiter for the content that you are pasting in the text-entry area. If you are copying your content from Microsoft Excel, select 'Tab'.

10. Select whether or not you have included a Header Row. If you have, the header row will auto-define your columns in the next step.

11. Paste your content in the Paste Responses Text area.

12. Click Identify Columns.

13. If you included a Column Header in your import data, your columns will already be defined. If not, use the drop-down menus for each column to define them.

14. Click Validate.

Review the information that will be imported. If you are satisfied,

15. Click on the Finished. Import My Data button.

Step 5: Import Confirmation

Step 5: Import Confirmation

The importation of the responses will be confirmed in green.