Support DocumentationAdministratorMilestone IntegrationIntegrating a Milestone Badge with an Assessment Instrument

Integrating a Milestone Badge with an Assessment Instrument

This lesson will teach you how to associate a Milestone Badge with an assessment instrument within Portfolio. Associating a badge with an assessment instrument will allow this badge to be automatically provided to users that meet the minimum threshold that is set on this assessment instrument.

Step 1: Access Assessment Instruments

Step 1: Access Assessment Instruments

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.

2. Select Curriculum.

3. Select Assessment Instruments.

Step 2: Edit Assessment Instrument

Step 2: Edit Assessment Instrument

4. Locate the Assessment Instrument that you would like to associate a Milestone badge with, and click on it to reveal its options. Select Edit.

Edit Outcome Links, Criteria, and Performance Levels

5. Click on the Badges tab.

6. Click on the Add Badge button

Edit Instrument Settings

7. Select the Radio Button below the Badge that you would like to associate with this assessment instrument

8. After selecting your badge, click on the Next button that is provided at the bottom of the page

The following page will provide an overview of the Milestone Badge that you had selected in the previous step including a description of the criteria for this badge

9. Select the Instrument Criterion that your Milestone Badge will apply to

10. Set the Score Threshold for your Instrument-Badge Link

11. Select the Add Badge Link to finalize the creation of this Instrument-Badge Link

After setting up an Instrument-Badge Link, this link will appear under the Badges tab of the Edit Assessment Instrument page

12. To edit an existing Instrument-Badge Link, select the Edit button that is provided.

13. After selecting edit, you will be brought into a pop-up window that will allow you to change the Score Threshold that had been set up on this Instrument-Badge Link

If changes need to be made to either the Badge Criterion or Instrument Criterion that have been set up during this process, then the original Instrument-Badge Link will need to be deleted and a new linkage will have to be created.