2. Remove Old Content and Add New Content
Step 1: Delete Unwanted Content

If you have been asked to resubmit your work, you may be required by your Assessor to remove the old content prior to adding replacement content.
1. Click on the Tools icon to reveal the options for the content.
2. Select Delete.
Step 2: Add New Content

In order to resubmit your work, you must first add content to the portfolio page. To begin adding content:
3. Use the Add Content drop-down menu to select the appropriate method for adding content.
Step 3: Select your Method for Adding Content
Step 1: Access the Text Editor

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Text Block.
Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Add Text to Text Editor

3. Paste or Type text directly into the Text Editor.
4. Format your text using the Text Editor's formatting options.
5. Click Save, and then Close.
Similar to MS Word, you must remember to save your work periodically to avoid the loss of any unsaved changes in the event of a power, or internet failure.
The 'Add File' option allows you to upload files from your computer to your Anthology Portfolio ePortfolio. Each file that you upload will be placed in your portfolio, as well as saved in your File Library for later use. While many file types are available for upload in every Anthology Portfolio site, certain types may not be available at your institution. For a complete list of acceptable file types, please contact your local Anthology Portfolio Administrator.
Step 1: Click on the 'Add File' Option

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Add File.
Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Select Method for Adding File(s)

3. Select the method that you would like to use to add your files from those provided below:
- Choose Files: This feature enables the user to upload a new file from their hard drive to add to the portfolio page.
- Choose from File Library: This feature enables the user to select a previously-uploaded file to add to the portfolio page.
- Choose from Dropbox: This feature enables the user to upload a new file from their Dropbox account to add to the portfolio page.
- Choose from OneDrive: This feature enables the user to upload a new file from their OneDrive account to add to the portfolio page.
- Choose from Google Drive: This feature enables the user to upload a new file from their Google Drive account to add to the portfolio page.
Alternatively, simply Drag-and-Drop your file onto the window.
Select the various methods for adding files below for further instructions:

1. Click on the Choose Files button

2. Locate and Select the file that you would like to upload.
3. Click Choose.

1. Click on the Choose from Dropbox button.

2. Enter your User ID and Password for your Dropbox account.
3. Click Sign In.

4. Select the file in your Dropbox account that you would like to upload.
5. Click Choose.

1. Click on the Choose from OneDrive button.

2. Enter your User ID and Password for your OneDrive account.
3. Click Sign In.

4. Select the file in your OneDrive account that you would like to upload.
5. Click Choose.

1. Click on the Choose from Google Drive button

2. Enter your email address and password
3. Click Next to log in to your Google account

4. Select the file in your Google Drive account that you would like to upload.
5. Click Select.

The file(s) that were selected will appear in the uploading window.
4. Optionally Remove the File from the list of file(s) that you would like to upload.
5. Click on the Insert Files button to upload your files to the assignment page.

1. Click on the Choose from File Library option

2. Using the Sources column, locate the folder which contains the file(s) that you would like to add. If you have not customized your File Library, your files will be housed in the File Library folder.
3. In the middle column, locate and select the file(s) that you would like to add to your portfolio page. Click on the Add Selected button or Drag-and-Drop the file(s) into the third column.
4. Click Done.
Typically, students will use the Add File option to upload an image to their portfolio.
Adding a file adds the full-size image to the page, but does not provide the option to align the image. If you would like to align the image in the centre or right of the page, you should use the Insert Image into Text Editor option.
Step 1: Add Image to File Library
In order to add an image to the text editor, it must already be uploaded and saved as an image within your Anthology Portfolio account. Use the Add File method for adding content, and then delete the image thumbnail from your portfolio page. This will ensure that the image file has been saved to your account's File Library and is ready to use for adding to your portfolio page as a Full-Size Image.
Step 2: Access the Text Editor

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Text Block.
Step 3: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 4: Use the Text Editor's 'Library Image' Feature

3. Click on the Library Image button to reveal your account's File Library, which you will use to select the image file.
Step 5: Select Image File from File Library

4. Using the Sources column, select the folder which contains the image file. If you have not added custom folders, you will select the File Library or Images folder; Both will contain the image file.
5. In the middle column, locate and select the file that you would like to add. Click Add Selected or Drag-and-Drop the file into the third column.
6. Click Done.
Step 6: Optionally Edit File Size

Double-Click on the image to reveal image dimensions, which you may edit. If you do edit the dimensions, click Save.
Step 7: Save the Image, and Close the Text Editor

7. Click Save, and then Close.
Uploading videos directly to Anthology Portfolio can be a time consuming process due to the large nature of video file sizes. An alternative is to upload your video to YouTube, and embed the video directly onto your portfolio page.
To embed a YouTube video in your portfolio you must ensure that you are copying the YouTube Embed Code and not the URL. To do this, go to www.YouTube.com and access your video.
If you are unsure of how to upload a video to YouTube, please visit their help page How to Upload Videos.
Step 1: Retrieve Embed Code

1. Once you have accessed your video on YouTube, click the Share button located below the video.
2. Click on the Embed tab.
3. Select the smallest video size (420x315).
4. We recommend deselecting the option to show suggested videos when the video finishes.
5. Copy the embed code.
Step 2: Access the Text Editor

Once you have copied the embed code from YouTube, access your portfolio and navigate to the section that you would like to add the video to.
6. Use the Add Content menu to select Text Block.
Step 3: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
7. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 4: Use Text Editor's 'Insert/Edit Video' Feature

8. Click on the Insert/Edit Video icon.

9. Click on the Embed tab.
10. Paste the video's embed code in the box.
11. Click OK.
Step 5: Save Video Embedded in Text Block

A grey box will appear as the video's placeholder in the text box.
12. Click Save.
Once you are finished with the text box, click Close.
Step 6: Watch Video

After saving and closing the text editor, you will see the video on your portfolio page.
It is recommended that you watch the entire video on your portfolio page to ensure that it was embedded correctly.
Creating a direct URL to an artifact allows a user to create text hyperlinks to an artifact within a secure portfolio, and/or post a URL link to a file anywhere on the internet, in emails, etc.
Step 1: Access the Text Editor

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Text Block.
Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Browse for File

3. Under the Get Direct URL to File heading, click on the Browse button.

4. In the Sources column, select File Library.
5. In the File Library column, select the file that you would like to create a direct URL to. Either click on Add Selected or Drag-and-Drop the file into the File Chosen column.
6. Click Done.
Step 4: Select and Copy URL

Once the direct URL has been created, it will appear below the Get Direct URL to File heading.
7. Highlight the URL.
8. Use CTRL + C on your keyboard, or right click and select Copy to copy the URL.
You can now paste the URL wherever you would like - elsewhere online, in an email, on a blog, etc. Please view our sample Direct URL to File below:
The text editor available to users when authoring a portfolio now includes a LaTeX mathematical formula creator. This feature allows users to insert mathematical formulas into their portfolio, which normally could not be achieved using standard keyboard symbols.
For more information about LaTeX Mathematics, please visit: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics
For a list of mathematical symbols, please visit: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/M...atical_Symbols
Step 1: Access the Text Editor

Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Use the Text Editor's 'Insert Equation' Feature

3. Click on the Insert Equation button.

4. Type or Paste your equation into the Equation Editor.
5. Click Ok.

The equation will appear in the text editor window.
6. Click Save, and then Close.
The Add Journal Entries option allows you to add existing journal entries to your portfolio from within your Anthology Portfolio account.
Step 1: Access Journal Entries

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Journal Entries.
Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Select Journal Entry(ies)

3. Using the Sources column, select the Journal which contains the entry(ies) that you would like to add to the portfolio page.
4. In the middle column, locate and select the journal entry(ies). Click on the Add Selected button or Drag-and-Drop the journal entry(ies) into the third column.
5. Click Done.
The 'Add Form' option allows you to add and complete a form from within your portfolio.
You will not see this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open automatically.
Step 1: Access Forms

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Form.
Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Select Form

3. Using the Select Form drop-down menu, select the form that you would like to complete.
4. Click Save.
Step 4: Complete and Save Form

The form will appear on your portfolio page as a blue link.
5. Click on the Form to reveal its contents.
6. Provide Responses for all of the form questions, as required.
7. Click Save.

A confirmation message will appear to indicate that the form has been updated.
8. Click Close Form.
If the form responses are required as a part of a submission, you must click Close Form for the portfolio page to update. If you have not clicked Close Form the page will not register the form responses as content.
The 'Link to a Portfolio Page' option allows you to add a hyperlink on one section of your portfolio that will 'jump' the another section.
Step 1: Access Link to Portfolio Page

1. Use the Add Content menu to select Link to a Portfolio Page.
Step 2: Choose Where to Add Content

You may add content anywhere on the page that an Insert Content Here bar appears.
You will not encounter this step if there is currently no content on the page. Instead the content window that you selected will open for you automatically.
2. Click on the Insert Content Here bar that corresponds with the space that you would like to add your content to reveal the Text Editor.
Step 3: Select Portfolio Page for Internal Link

You may only select a portfolio page from your current portfolio to link to.
3. Use the Select Page to Link to drop-down menu to select another page in your portfolio to link to.
4. Click Save.
When adding content to a portfolio you can import work from your other program Portfolios, Assignments and Collaborative workspaces within your Anthology Portfolio account.
Step 1: Access the Import Content Feature

1. Click on the Import Content button, which can be found on the right-hand side of your portfolio page.
Step 2: Select Content to Import

You may import content from any Portfolio, Workspace, or Assignment within your Anthology Portfolio account.
2. Select from where you would like to import content.
The 'Choose a Portfolio/Workspace/Assignment' drop-down menu will change depending on your selection above.
3. Select the Portfolio/Workspace/Assignment from which you would like to import content.
4. Select the section of the Portfolio/Workspace/Assignment that contains the content that you would like to import. Sections that do not contain content will not be selectable.
Step 3: Import Selected Content & Return to Portfolio Page

5. Click Import.

A confirmation message will appear in green.
6. Click Return to return to your portfolio page and review the imported content.