Compress a Video to Reduce the File Size (Mobile Device)

Video files are, by nature, larger than most other file types that you would upload to Anthology Portfolio. This larger file size equates to longer upload times, which is what allows issues to arise during the upload process (internet connection issues, bandwidth issues, etc.). To reduce the time it takes for a video file to upload to the internet we recommend that you reduce its size by compressing it first. 

Upload Time

Upload times will vary depending on your file's size, internet bandwidth, and current traffic. If your upload seems stuck, or is taking a long time, it may be due to:

  • File type and size: Your video’s file type and settings affects file size. To make your uploads quicker, encode your videos using the target settings below.
  • Heavy traffic: You might be uploading during a busy time for your internet provider. During peak hours, your provider may experience a traffic spike which could make your upload take longer.
  • Slow internet connection: Search for an “internet speed test” tool and verify your internet connection. Unstable or slow speeds will make your video upload take longer.

File Container: MP4 File

Video Codec: H.264 

Video Bitrate:  The bitrates in the table below are recommendations for uploads. Audio bitrate is not related to resolution or video bitrate. The video's length and bitrate determines its file size.

Frame Rate: Content should be encoded and uploaded in the same frame rate it was recorded.

Common, standard frame rates are 24 (film), and 30 (TV and video) frames per second. High frame rates those 48 fps and above.

Bitrate: Standard Frame Rate
Bitrate: High Frame Rate

Audio Bitrate
360p 1 Mbps 1.5 Mbps 128 kbps
480p 2 Mbps 3 Mbps 128 kbps
720p 4 Mbps 6 Mbps 256 kbps
1080p 6 Mbps 9 Mbps 256 kbps

If you are not familiar with how to resize and compress videos, you can find many third-party application options available via an online search (e.g., "How to compress a video on Windows/Mac"). Alternatively, you can reach out to your campus’ IT Department to inquire about applications that they recommend for this purpose.