Renew Your Account
The process for renewing an active and expired account is the same. Please see the steps below for instructions to renew your account subscription.
Expired Student Accounts

If your account has expired, you can still continue to log into your Anthology Portfolio account and access your work. Please note that if your account as expired, you cannot:
- upload new files (including images) to account or portfolio,
- complete new or edit existing forms (except Surveys),
- access to plagiarism detection,
- submit coursework,
- search for vacant placements or propose new placements, or
- transfer edTPA files to Pearson for official scoring.
If your account expires while you are still an active student and you still need to be able to perform the actions listed above, you will be required to renew your account. To do this, please contact the Anthology Portfolio administrator at your school for assistance. Their contact information is listed on your institution's Anthology Portfolio login page.
If you are an alumni or no longer attend this institution and would like to regain full access to your Anthology Portfolio account, please visit our corporate website and fill out the alumni renewal form.
Active Student Accounts
If your Anthology Portfolio account is currently active, but will be expiring shortly, you can renew it at anytime to extend your subscription beyond the current expiry date for the renewal duration purchased. You do not have to wait until your account expires to renew it.
Step 1: Acquire Renewal Code

Many institutions provide the sale of Anthology Portfolio codes at their book stores. If you are uncertain of where to obtain your renewal code, please contact your local Anthology Portfolio Administrator. Their information can be located at the bottom of your institution's Anthology Portfolio login screen. Please visit and enter the name of your institution to be directed to the correct login web page.
Step 2: Log In to Your Account

1. Enter your User ID and Password.
2. Click Login.

3. Your account will indicate immediately that it has expired. Click on the What does this mean? link at the top of your screen for additional information.
4. Click on Your Name to reveal account options and select Renew.
Step 3: Renew Account

5. Enter your renewal code.
6. Click the Renew Account button. Access to your account will be extended for the length of the renewal code, beyond the original expiry date.