Register Your Account
If you are reading this help page, it is likely that you are new to Anthology Portfolio, so first and foremost, welcome! This lesson will walk you through the process of registering your new Anthology Portfolio account by following the on-screen steps.
Step 1: Access the Login Screen

Once you've navigated to your institution's Anthology Portfolio login screen, click on the New Users Register Here button.
Before registering, please ensure that the logo at the top of the login screen is that of your institution. If not, it is possible that you are at another institution's login screen and will need to navigate to your institution's Anthology Portfolio site to register your account.
Step 2: Complete the Registration Form

Enter all of the required fields (denoted by a red asterisk '*' ) and click Register.
Step 3: Account Creation Summary

After clicking Register, you will see an account summary at the top of the screen. The summary should include your User ID, and Password, both of which will be used to log in to your account.
Step 4: Return to Login

Scroll to the bottom of your screen and click on the Return to Login screen to use your new User ID and Password.