Copy Portfolio
The 'Copy Portfolio' feature enables you to create a duplicate version of an existing portfolio in your account. This can be useful if you would like to collaborate on a portfolio, but would also like to keep your own private version of the portfolio as well.
Copying a portfolio not only copies the structure of the portfolio, but also copies all of the content within it.
Step 1: Access My Coursework

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select My Coursework.
Step 2: Select Portfolio

Locate the portfolio that you would like to hide.
3. Click anywhere on the portfolio's row to reveal its options. Select Copy Portfolio.
Step 3: Copy Portfolio

4. Edit the Name of the new portfolio. If you do not edit it, the portfolio will be called, "Copy of (Existing Portfolio Name)".
5. Click Copy Portfolio.
Step 4: Confirmation of Copied Portfolio

6. A green bar will appear to confirm that the portfolio has been copied. It will also provide a link to edit the portfolio.
7. The new, copied portfolio will appear under the My Portfolios heading among your other portfolio(s).