Complete a Placement
Once a Placement has been assigned to you or a proposed/applied for placement has been confirmed, you can begin completing your Placement.
Step 1: Access Placements

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select My Placements.
You will see a list of your Placements on the left side of the screen.
3. Select the placement you wish to work on by clicking it.
4. You can view an overview of the placement details at the right of this screen.
Step 2: Complete Journal Entries Associated with the Placement
There may be a journal template associated with your Placement to allow you to track your hours and experiences.
5. To access and add entries, click on the placement's Name.

6. Click New Journal Entry.

Complete the journal template. If you are required to track your hours, you can enter a whole number, or decimals for partial hours (e.g. 7 hours and 15 minutes would be entered as 7.25, 7 and a half hours would be entered as 7.5, etc.)
Once you have finished, click Save at the bottom of the template, followed by Close at the top of the template.
If you wish to edit or delete an existing entry, use the 'Edit' and/or 'Delete' buttons to the right of the existing entries on this screen.
You will not be able to edit or delete a journal entry which has been "signed off" on by your Guest Assessor/Stakeholder.
Step 3: Complete Assessments Associated with the Placement

There may be assessments associated with your Placement. If you have been assigned an assessment, you will see that the Assessor is listed as "Candidate". To complete the assessment:
7. Click on the assessment and select Assess.
Step 4: Complete Surveys/Forms Associated with the Placement

There may be surveys/forms associated with your Placement. If you have been assigned a survey/form, you will see that the Respondent is listed as "Candidate". To complete the survey/form:
8. Click on the survey/form and select Take.