Where can I view my assessment results/grades?
Step 1: Access My Results

1. Click on the Main Menu Icon.
2. Click on the My Results option.
Step 2: Viewing Your Results

3. View a summary of # of Submissions, # of Submissions Assessed, the Mean, and the Median.
4. If you have many submissions, it may be easier to use the Search bar to locate a specific one.
5. Use the Column Headings to adjust how your submissions are being displayed.
6. By clicking anywhere on a submission's row, you will reveal the options to: View Summary, View Details, and Work.
- View Summary: This will prompt a pop-up window displaying a summary of the assessment.
- View Details: This will redirect you to a page displaying an extensive view of the assessment, including overall comments and uploaded annotated documents, if applicable.
- Work: This will redirect you to a page displaying the work that you had submitted for this assessment.
To return to your Dashboard, click the Return button.