Navigate Your Portfolio
Understanding the basic concept of your portfolio is important, and getting to know where certain features are in your portfolio (and what they do) is the first step in creating a successful portfolio.
In this lesson we will introduce you to your new portfolio, show you where to locate specific features, and how to use the Table of Contents that your portfolio employs.
Step 1: Using the Table of Contents
The Table of Contents that your portfolio employs was created by an Administrator at your institution, and was selected for use in the portfolio creation process. Tables of Contents can vary, but their most basic role is to provide structure for your portfolio. Tables of Contents also contain linkages to assessment instruments (rubrics), and can include instructions on how and where to upload your work in your portfolio.

1. Portfolio Schedule.
If the various pages in your table of contents have due-dates and/or overdue-dates associated with them, this key will help you locate those pages. The colors associated with Overdue, Due Now, Upcoming, and Submitted will appear to the left of the corresponding page(s). If the colors do not appear anywhere in your table of contents structure, none of the pages have dates associated with them.
NOTE: Even if there are no dates associated with portfolio pages, your assignments/projects might still have due dates. Please verify with your instructor(s) when each item needs to be submitted.
2. Table of Contents Name.
The table of contents' name will appear below the portfolio schedule, but above the table of contents structure. It will appear beside an icon comprised of horizontal lines. Knowing which table of contents your portfolio employs can be useful if your instructor or Anthology Portfolio Support requests it.
3. Table of Contents Structure.
The actual Table of Contents will appear as a list on the left-hand side of your portfolio. Each item in the Table of Contents is selectable, and will reveal itself upon selection. Use the various sections to add work in an organized manner, laid out by your Administrators.
4. Table of Contents Edit Mode.
Certain schools have implemented the option to edit your portfolio's table of contents. This allows you to add new pages or sub-pages to the existing pages in the table of contents.
Step 2: Viewing Linked Assessment Instruments
The 'Linkages' section of your portfolio displays which sections of the Table of Contents have assessment instruments (rubrics) linked to them, and allows you to view those assessment instruments. This information can be used not only to view the instrument that will be used to grade your work, but also to know which sections of your portfolio you can submit work - a linked assessment instrument is a requirement when attempting to submit.

To access the Linkages section, click on the How will I be assessed? button. This will prompt the portfolio's structure will drop down, and pages with linked instruments will have a number beside them - this number will indicate how many instruments are linked. If no number appears next to a portfolio page, there is no linked instrument associated with it.
1. Click on the arrow next to the page with the link(s) to drop down the assessment instrument(s).
2. Click on the appropriate View link to view the assessment instrument.
Step 3: Using Portfolio Setup
The 'Portfolio Setup' section of your portfolio houses personalization features, such as the ability to change the name and theme of the portfolio. 'Theme' refers to the background and layout of a portfolio when submitted, and when shared via secure URL. You can also use Portfolio Setup to change the table of contents that your portfolio employs, though only if there has been no content added.

To access the Portfolio Setup section, click on the Setup button. This will prompt the Setup panel to drop down, revealing your current settings.
1. Click on the Edit button to edit your portfolio's setup options.
Visit our Portfolio Setup help page for more in-depth instructions.
Step 4: Using Sharing
The 'Sharing' section of your portfolio enables you to securely share your portfolio outside of Anthology Portfolio. This feature allows you to create an optionally time-sensitive, password protected link to your Anthology Portfolio ePortfolio. You can also view previous shares in this section, their details, and optionally update them to share again. The Sharing feature provides the user with a URL to copy and paste to outside sources, or share directly via email, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

To use the Sharing section, click on the Share this Page button. This will prompt the sharing options to drop down.
1. The Share URL field will be filled with the secure, direct URL once you have generated the URL.
2. Select which sections of your portfolio you would like to share.
3. Select whether or not to Allow Commenting.
4. Optionally select Security Settings, such as a password required for viewing, and an expiration date for the URL.
5. Click on the Generate Share URL button to create the secure Share URL with your selected settings.
6. View previous shares by clicking on them.