Portfolio Setup
The Portfolio Settings feature enables you to edit the name, table of contents, and theme of the portfolio. Additionally, you can choose a color or upload a background image for your portfolio, and edit the footer that appears at the bottom of the portfolio.
Portfolio themes do not change the way that your portfolio appears within Anthology Portfolio. Themes are applied to your portfolio for external viewing, most commonly when sharing the portfolio via secure URL.
Step 1: Access My Coursework

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select My Coursework.
Step 2: Access the Portfolio

Locate the portfolio that you would like to edit.
3. Click anywhere on the portfolio's row to reveal its options. Select Edit Portfolio.
Step 3: Edit Setup

To access the Portfolio Setup section, click on the Setup button. This will prompt the Setup panel to drop down, revealing your current settings.
4. Click on the Edit Setup button.
Step 4: Edit Portfolio Setup

You can access the Custom Theme Builder from the Portfolio Setup window, as well as the Setup Tab. If you would like to build a custom theme, instructions can be found here.
In the Setup tab you are able to:
5. Edit the Name of your portfolio.
6. Change the Table of Contents that your portfolio employs.
You can only select a new/different Table of Contents if you have not yet added any content to your portfolio.
7. Browse through and select a Theme.
8. Click on the Save button.
Step 5: Edit Portfolio Footer

In the Footer tab, you are able to:
9. Use the text editor to Edit the Footer that appears at the bottom of your portfolio.
10. Click on the Save button.