I don't see my program/course anywhere in my account, where is it?
The most common way to submit work for assessment in Anthology Portfolio is via portfolio. This lesson will walk you through the process of creating a new portfolio in your Anthology Portfolio account. Your portfolio will be a hub for much of the activity in your account - you will add your work to various sections of your portfolio, and submit work for assessment from your portfolio.
Before creating a new portfolio, it is important that you have gathered all of the necessary information. Please ensure that you know which Table of Contents to select (which will provide the structure for your portfolio). If you are uncertain, please contact your instructor or local Anthology Portfolio Administrator.
Step 1: Access My Portfolios

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select My Coursework.
Step 2: Create a New Portfolio

If you have previously created portfolios, you will find them listed here.
Please note that it may not be necessary to create a new portfolio each time you would like to submit work - if you have a pre-existing portfolio that uses the correct table of contents, you may use it again.
3. Click on the Create New Portfolio button.
Step 3: Create Name and Choose Table of Contents

4. Enter a Name for your portfolio.
5. Select a Table of Contents from the drop-down menu.
6. Click Create.
If you are unable to locate the correct Table of Contents, click on the 'Can't find your table of contents?' link.
Can't find your table of contents?

If you were unable to locate your Table of Contents and clicked on the "Can't find your table of contents?" link, a new departmental drop-down menu will appear. The Department drop-down menu's selection will dictate what appears in the Table of Contents drop-down menu.
4. Enter a Name for your portfolio.
5. Select a Department from the drop-down menu.
6. Select a Table of Contents from the drop-down menu.
7. Click Create.