1. Access Assigned Coursework (ONLY when logging into the system directly)
This lesson will walk you through the process of accessing assigned coursework. Your institution may require you to use a portfolio or an instructor-created assignment to submit your work.
If you are unsure of which option to use, please contact your instructor or local Anthology Portfolio (formerly Chalk & Wire) Administrator.
Step 1: Access My Portfolios

1. Click on the Main Menu Icon.
2. Click on the My Coursework option.
Existing portfolios are also accessible directly from your Dashboard under the Portfolios tab.
Step 2: Select your Submission Method
On the My Coursework screen you will have two options available to you for submitting work: Portfolios and Assignments.
Creating a portfolio allows you to upload and submit work for assessment. This is the most commonly used method for submission.
If you do not see existing portfolios, this does not necessarily mean that you have not been assigned coursework. In order to access the coursework that you have been assigned, you will need to create a portfolio.

1. Click the New Portfolio button to create a new portfolio OR click anywhere on the portfolio to reveal its options and select Edit Portfolio.
If you are accessing your assignments from your learning management system (Blackboard, Moodle, etc.) you will not be required to create portfolios from this screen. Portfolios are automatically created.

If you are creating a new portfolio:
2. Enter a Name for your portfolio.
3. Select a Table of Contents from the drop-down menu.
4. Click Create.
If the Table of Contents that you are required to use does not appear in the Table of Contents drop-down menu, click on the Can't find your table of contents? link. This will reveal a second drop down menu. Select the appropriate Department from the new drop-down menu to change the options listed in the Table of Contents drop-down menu.
Assignments are created by your instructor and do not require the creation of a portfolio. You will know that you are meant to complete an Assignment rather than create a Portfolio because it will automatically appear under the My Assignments heading.

1. Locate the appropriate assignment (if more than one) and click on the Start button.