Embed Report in Portfolio
If you have saved a report and selected the Data is Saved & Available to Portfolios option, you can now select this report to embed as a file into a portfolio.
Step 1: Access My Coursework

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Work.

3. Select My Coursework.
Step 2: Edit Portfolio

Locate the portfolio that you would like to embed the report in.
4. Click anywhere on the portfolio's row to reveal its options. Select Edit Portfolio.
Step 3: Access Portfolio Page

5. Click on the appropriate portfolio page to access it.

6. Use the Add Content menu to select Saved Report.
Step 4: Select Saved Report

7. In the Sources column, ensure that Saved Reports is selected.
8. Locate the report in the middle column. Drag-and-Drop the report into the third column.
9. Click Done.
Step 5: View Report in Portfolio

View the report in the portfolio. Use the view icons to toggle between table view, column view, and line view.
If you plan to download this portfolio as a PDF at some point in the future, please note that the report will only appear as a table in the downloaded PDF. If the line or bar graph display is preferred you will need to insert that report as an image into the portfolio prior to downloading it.