7. Save Assessment
Once you have finished scoring and commenting on the assessment, you will need to save it in order for it to appear as 'complete'. If your school has enabled LMS Gradebook, you will have the option to save an LMS grade in addition to the regular assessment score.
As an Assessor, you can determine whether or not you are satisfied with your student's submission and how you would like to proceed.
If you would like to save the assessment with no further action, use the "Save Assessment: No Further Action Required" instructions.
If you would like to save the assessment and request a resubmission from your student, use the "Save and Request Resubmission" instructions.
Step 1: Save Assessment

1. Click on the green Save button to save the assessment.
If you have not finished the assessment but would like to save your progress, use the Save as Draft option, instead.

A message will appear in green to indicate that the assessment has been saved, and provide you with the final score.
Step 2: Optionally Save Grade to LMS

If the assessment was created by a submission via LMS integration, you will have the option to save a Final Grade %. This is the grade that will be pushed back to the LMS gradebook.
System Administrators can enable a feature that will auto-populate the Final Grade % field. If this occurs, the grade will be based on the performance level selections in Anthology Portfolio but may be edited if you think a different grade should be entered.
Assessors can confirm that the submission is correctly aligned with their LMS assignment and adjust the selection if the student did not submit the assignment via the correct LTI link.
A dropdown displays all possible LMS assignment options, with a highlighted "green" option suggesting the most likely match. Assessors can choose this suggestion or select another option based on their knowledge.
- If a submission isn't aligned correctly, assessors will see a dropdown menu displaying all possible LMS assignment options. They will also be presented with a message letting them know that a match for this submission could not be located and a choice is required.
- If a submission is aligned correctly, assessors will see a list with only the assignments that match. A green highlighted option suggests the most likely match, based on the submission details. The correct LMS assignment option will be selected automatically. Assessors can choose the green suggestion or select another option that fits their knowledge.
- Assessors also have the option to choose "None. Don't Send Grade." if they do not want to send the grade to the LMS but would like to still save the LMS grade in Portfolio.
2. Enter the Final Grade % by typing in the text-entry box.
3. Click Save.
External Assessor Account Access Time Period:
If you are an External Assessor/Guest and have completed your last pending assessment in Anthology Portfolio/CWPro, your account will remain active and accessible for another seven days. After seven days, your account will become expired until there is a new task (assessment or survey) for you to complete.
To help streamline communication between Assessors and Students as well as to aid in closing the "feedback loop", you may request a resubmission from your Student if you are unsatisfied with their original submission. When a resubmission request is initiated, your Student will receive an email notification. Resubmission requests also appear on the Student's Anthology Portfolio/CWPro Dashboard and when viewing the details of a completed assessment.
Resubmissions may not be requested if:
- the assessment has been previously completed (reassessments are not eligible)
- the assessment was sent to an assessor pool
- the assessment is part of an escalation chain
- the assessment was transferred to a new assessment instrument and/or assessor
- the assessment is collaborative
- the assessment is the result of a supplemental instrument
If you do not see the "Request Resubmission" option in your assessment interface, it is likely the result of one of these parameters.
Step 1: Request Resubmission

1. Select the Request Resubmission button. Once you've done this, the Overall Comments box becomes a mandatory field. Enter a mandatory Overall Comment.
2. Click on the Request Resubmission button, which will have taken the place of the usual Save button.
The assessment process is complete and your student will receive an email and Dashboard notification that you have requested a resubmission, as is shown below:

External Assessor Account Access Time Period:
If you are an External Assessor/Guest and have completed your last pending assessment in Anthology Portfolio/CWPro but requested a resubmission, your account will remain active and accessible for another seven days. If the student resubmits before the seven days have passed, your account will remain active until seven days after you assess their resubmission. If the student does not resubmit within seven days, your account will become expired until there is a new task (assessment or survey) for you to complete.
Can I Withdraw my Resubmission Request?
If you requested a resubmission in error or have changed your mind, you can withdraw the request. Please note, however, that once the student resubmits the work this functionality is no longer valid.
In order to Withdraw a Resubmission Request you will need to locate the student results. Please review our View Student Results via Assessment Menu help page, ensuring to broaden your search parameters to include resubmission requests.

Once you have located the original submission with the Resubmission Request,
1. Click on the original submission to reveal its actions.
2. Select Withdraw Resubmission Request.

3. Carefully read the pop-up window that appears and confirm whether or not you would like to proceed with the withdrawal. A withdrawal of the Resubmission Request cannot be undone.