3. Comment on Submitted Content
Providing feedback to students is an important part of their growth. Various commenting options are available in Anthology Portfolio to ensure that you have the necessary tools to provide your students with the best possible feedback.
For instructions on using a specific commenting method, select the method below:
Targeted Text Comments are made possible when using the Advanced Commenting feature. Targeted Text Commenting allows you to select any text within the student's work to comment on the content, grammar, and spelling.
Targeted Text commenting is not available on mobile devices. You must use a computer to use this type of commenting.
Step 1: Highlight Text

1. Using your cursor, highlight the text that you would like to comment on.
Step 2: Add and Define Comment

The highlighted text will prompt a pop-up window for you to add your comment.
2. Type your comment into the text box.
3. Select the Comment Type to save.
Step 3: View Comment

Your comment will appear below submission's content, and will offer the options to Edit or Delete.

You may also view the comment by hovering your cursor over the highlighted text within the submission's content.
If a student uploads a Word document, Excel file, Powerpoint file, or PDF file to their portfolio or assignment and makes a submission, an Assessor can then view the document within the assessment and make annotations on it. Once the assessment, including annotations, has been completed and released to the student, the student will be able to review the annotations.
Are you using a touch screen?
Please note that Box view does not work on mobile devices, and may have limited functionality on computers with touch screens. If you are unable to make a selection using a mouse or trackpad, please try using the touch screen functionality. If the functionality is too severely impacted for your ease of use, please consider using a different computer.
Step 1: View Document in Browser

1. Locate the document and click on the View button.

The document will open directly on the page.
Step 2: Add Comment to Document

2. Click on the Comment icon in the top, right corner.

A message will appear instructing you to click anywhere to add a comment to the document.
Add a Point Comment

3. Click anywhere in the text to add a point comment. A comment box will appear, which you can type in.
4. Click Post to post the comment.
Highlight a Section of Text

While commenting, you can highlight a section of text to specify the section to which your comment applies. Once you have finished highlighting, commenting options will appear:
5. Click on the Highlighter icon to save the highlighted section.
6. Click on the Comment icon to leave a comment on the highlighted section.
Step 3: Close Box Viewer

Once you are satisfied with your annotations,
7. Click on the Close button.
If your institution is using Turnitin™ to facilitate document plagiarism detection and has enabled the Turnitin™ tool in your Anthology Portfolio system, you will be provided with this option when assessing documents submitted to you by Students.
Step 1: Check Originality

1. Click the Check Originality button next to the document.
Step 2: Launch Document Viewer

The Turnitin™ Originality Report may take a few moments to load. Once it has, a notice will appear in green.
2. Click the "Launch Turnitin™ Document Viewer in a New Window" button.
Step 3: View Originality Report
The Turnitin™ Originality Report will appear in a new browser window. Use the Turnitin™ tools to review it.
If you have any questions regarding the report, please visit Turnitin's Help Center and enter the search term "Originality Report".
If a student uploads a document file to their ePortfolio and makes a submission, their Assessor can then download the document and make annotations on it offline. Once the annotations have been made, the updated document can be uploaded to Anthology Portfolio for review by the student.
Step 1: Download Document

1. Locate the document, and click on its name to download it.
Step 2: Open Document & Locate Content

Once the file has downloaded to your computer, locate and open it.
2. Highlight the text that you wish to comment on.
3. Use the Insert menu to select Comment.
Step 3: Enter Comment

4. Add your comment in the provided text-entry field.
Step 4: Save Document

Save the document as a new file, naming it and locating it somewhere memorable.
Step 5: Attach Annotated File

Return to the assessment screen in your Anthology Portfolio account:
6. Click the Paperclip icon to attach your annotated file.

7. Click on the Choose File button to search for annotated file.

8. Locate and select the file on your local hard drive.
9. Click Choose.

10. Click Upload.
Video commenting enables Assessors to comment on videos provided by the student via submission. Assessors can leave text or voice comments on videos, targeting specific sections of the video or as a whole.
Step 1: Watch Video

1. Watch the video in the submission, and click the Add Comment button.
Step 2: Add Comment to Video

2. Use the slider bars to set the Start Time and End Time for the comment, if it is specific to a certain section of the video.
3. Enter your comment in the text field.
4. Click the Save Comment button.
Step 3: (Optional) Add Audio Comment

5. To leave an audio comment, click the Record Audio Comment button.
Record Comment

6. Click the Record button to begin your recording.

7. Click the Stop button when finished recording.

8. Click the Save button to save your audio comment.
Select Video Section, and Save Comment

9. Use the slider bars to set the Start Time and End Time for the comment, if it is specific to a certain section of the video.
10. (Optional) Enter a text based comment, in addition to the audio comment, in the text field.
11. Click the Save Audio Comment button.
Step 4: Review Comments

To review the comments on the video, click the Show All (#) button beneath the video. Once comments are visible, the button will read Hide All (#).
The Audio Commenting feature allows assessors to verbally record comments, rather than typing text comments.
If you are using a Mac computer, we recommend that you use either Safari or Firefox as your internet browser when recording audio comments. Chrome has a known issue with sound quality which may affect the audio that is recorded.
Audio commenting is only available for two types of student-submitting content:
- Text added directly to the page
- Media files (audio or video)
Step 1: Highlight Text to Comment on

1. Highlight the text that you would like to comment on.
Step 2: Select Type of Comment

2. When the comment pop-up windows appears, select the Record Audio Comment option.
Record Comment

3. Click the Record button to begin your recording.

4. Click the Stop button when finished recording.

5. Click the Save button to save your audio comment.
Step 5: Save Audio Comment

6. (Optional) Enter a text based comment, in addition to the audio comment, in the text field.
7. Click the Save Audio Comment button.