Download, Hide, and Duplicate Workspace Portfolios
Each portfolio in a workspace will have a variety of options associated with it: Set Permissions, Download, Download as PDF, Hide, and Duplicate. This guide will teach you how to utilize each one of these functions.
Step 1: Access Collaboration

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Click on the Work option.

3. Select Collaboration.
Step 2: Enter the Appropriate Workspace

4. Click on the Workspace name to enter it.
Step 3: Access the Workspace's Portfolios

5. Navigate to the Workspace Portfolios tab in your workspace.
6. Click anywhere on the portfolio's row to reveal its options. Download, Hide, and Copy options will all appear in the portfolio's options list.
Download Portfolio: as Zip

Select Download as Zip from the portfolio's options list to download the portfolio as a zip file to your local hard drive.
The Download as Zip feature enables you to access the portfolio(s) in an interactive way, via internet browser. Despite the use of an internet browser, viewing your portfolio(s) this way does not require an internet connection. This feature will download a package to your computer, which you can share with others by saving it to a disc, USB memory stick, or any other form of digital memory.
Please visit our Download Portfolio help page for step-by-step instructions for using this feature.
Download as PDF

Select Download as PDF from the portfolio's options list to download the portfolio as a PDF file to your local hard drive.
The Download as PDF feature enables you to download, access, and share your Portfolio as a PDF document. It compiles all of your content in an intuitive layout, complete with a cover page and table of contents.
Please visit our Download Portfolio as PDF help page for step-by-step instructions for using the feature.
If your portfolio contains embedded reports generated in Results Analytics the report will only appear as a table in the downloaded PDF. If the line or bar graph display is preferred you will need to insert that report as an image into the portfolio prior to downloading it.
Hide Portfolio

Select Hide Portfolio from the portfolio's option list to hide the portfolio.
In order to eliminate the possibility of accidentally deleting a Portfolio that contains years of work, Anthology Portfolio does not allow the deletion of a Portfolio. Instead, we offer the ability to Hide a Portfolio from your Workspace Portfolios screen. This removes the portfolio from view, while maintaining it's structure and content "behind the scenes". Any hidden portfolio can be revealed, and un-hidden, at any point.
Please visit our Hide Portfolio help page for step-by-step instructions for using this feature.
Duplicate Portfolio

Select Duplicate Portfolio from the portfolio's options list to copy (make a duplicate of) the portfolio.
The Duplicate Portfolio feature enables you to create a duplicate version of an existing portfolio. This can be useful if you would like to collaborate on a portfolio, but would also like to keep your own private version of the portfolio as well. Duplicating a portfolio not only copies the structure of the portfolio, but also duplicates all of the content within it.
Please visit our Duplicate Portfolio help page for step-by-step instructions for using this feature.