What are held assessments? How do I release them?
If during assessment you chose to hold the assessment results, you are able to release them at a later date. Holding assessments is beneficial if you would like for all students to receive their scores at once, rather than sporadically as assessments are completed.
This lesson will teach you how to release specific, or all held/unreleased results.
Step 1: Access the Assessment

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Assess.
Step 2: Locate Held Assessments

3. Click on the My Held Assessments button on the main Assessment screen.
NOTE: If the number on the 'My Held Assessments' button is 0, you do not have any held assessments to release.
Step 3: Release Individual Results

If you have many held results, but would only like to release a few:
4. Locate the assessment whose results you would like to release, and click anywhere on its row to reveal its options. Select Release.

Review the assessment details. When you are ready to release the results:
5. Select whether or not you would like to Notify the Student.
6. Click Release Scores.
Step 4: Release Multiple Results

If you have many held results and would like to release most or all of them:
7. Click on the Show Bulk Actions button.

8. Use the Bulk Actions drop-down menu to select Release.
9. In the new Release column, select all of the assessments whose results you would like to release.
10. Select whether or not you would like to Notify the Students.
11. Click the Release button.