View Student Results via Reporting Menu
The Student Results feature allows Administrators and Assessors to locate and review assessments by submission date. Assessments can be filtered by assessment instrument, assessor, student, and/or standard section. You can also choose to include or exclude reliability (suppressed) assessment scores as well.
If you are an Assessor, you will only see your own results. If you are an Administrator, you will see all student results.
Step 1: Access Student Results

1. Click on the Main Menu icon
2. Select Reporting.

3. Select Student Results.

4. Information about the page and its contents will appear along the top of the screen. This information will include the number of submissions, number of assessed submissions, the mean score and the median score.
5. The submissions/assessments will be visible on the screen in the table.
Don't see the submissions/assessments for which you are looking? Use the steps below to broaden your search parameters.

If you do not see the submissions/assessment for which you are looking, you can broaded your search parameters and perform a new search.
1. Click on the Results Search button to reveal the filtering options.
2. Select the date range for the submissions you wish to see.
3. Select the Assessment Instrument, the Assessor, the Student, and/or the Outcome. You can also choose whether or not you wish to include Held Scores, Reliablity Scores and/or Resubmission Requests in your search.
4. Select to display which assessment results have been viewed by the student.
5. Optional - Select to make these selections your default search parameters each time you arrive on this screen.
6. Click the Search button.

If you do not see what you are looking for, you can broaden your search with custom search parameters.
Click on the Results Search button to drop down filtering options. Use this feature to filter assessments by:
1. Submission Date Range.
2. Assessment Instrument.
3. Assessor.
4. Student.
5. Outcome or Outcome Section.
6. Whether or not the results are Held (options include: Include Held Scores, Exclude Held Scores, Use Only Held Scores)
7. Whether or not Resubmission Requests will be included (options include: Exclude Resubmission Requests, Include Resubmission Requests, Use Only Resubmission Requests)
8. Optionally choose to save your options as Default Search Options.
Once you have selected your search parameters, click the Search button.
Step 2: Reveal Assessment Options

5. Click anywhere on the Assessment to reveal additional options: View Assessment Instrument, View Table of Contents, View Summary, View Details, Download Portfolio as PDF, Download as PDF with Files, Work, Transfer, Delete, Annotations, View Student Info, and View Assessor Info.
Certain options will not appear for various assessments. For example, if the submission does not contain student work (manual assessments, external assessments) the options to download the portfolio will not be available.

1. Click on the Show Bulk Actions button.

2. Use the Bulk Actions drop-down menu to select from the list of actions available:
- Delete: If selected, you will be able to bulk-delete student submissions. Please note that this action is final and the submissions will be lost forever.
- Send Message: If selected, you will be able to compose and send a message (email) to all students whose submissions were selected. The same message will be sent to all students.
- Transfer: If selected, you will be able to bulk-transfer student work to another assessor and/or assessment instrument. Learn more here.
- Release: If selected, you will be able to bulk-release held assessment results. Learn more here.
- Export Student Information (Admin Only): If selected, you will be able to download student information for all students whose submissions were selected. Student information includes login ID, name, email address, last login date, expiration date, etc.
Whichever option is selected, a new column will appear in the table with the appropriate bulk-action heading.

Your Search Results can be removed from Anthology Portfolio to use for outside-documentation. To take the information outside of Anthology Portfolio, you can:
Copy: Use the Copy button to copy the Results table to your clipboard.
CSV: Use the CSV button to download a CSV file to your computer.
Print: Use the Print button to load a print-friendly view of the Results table.
If your results include results from a met/not met instrument, you will need to open the downloaded text file and replace all forward slashes (/) with backslashes (\) prior to pasting the content in MS Excel.