How do I monitor my students' progress?
Step 1: Access Course and Advisor Groups

1. Click on the Main Menu icon.
2. Select Users & Groups.

3. Select Course and Advisor Groups.
Step 2: Create New Advisor Group

Ensuring that you have "Advisor Groups" selected,
4. Click on the New Advisor Group button.
Step 3: Enter Information and Save

5. Enter a Name for the Advisor Group.
6. Select whether or not the group will be Inactive.
7. Select whether or not to Include Subgroups.
To add Group Members to the Advisor Group:
8. Using the Sources column, locate the department containing the user(s) that you would like to add to the Advisor Group.
9. Using the Members column, locate the user(s) that you would like to add to the Advisor Group. Use the Add All/Selected link or drag-and-drop the user(s) into the appropriate third column.
Once you are satisfied with the Advisor Group:
10. Click Save.