Assessor Guide for edTPA®
Step 1: Log in to Your Chalk & Wire Account

1. Enter your Login Name or Email and Password.
2. Click Login.
Step 2: Access edTPA® Submissions

1. Click on the Pending Assessments tab on the Dashboard.
2. Locate the candidate's submission that you would like to assess, and click anywhere on its row to reveal its options. Select Assess.
Did You Know?
You can also access your Pending Assessments by using the Main Menu > Assessment > Assess.
Step 3: Review edTPA® Submission

The work associated with the selected edTPA® part will be displayed on the left side of the screen, and the instrument on the right.

Depending on the submission procedures decided upon at your school, Teacher Candidates could have submitted each part of each task separately, each task separately, and/or the entire portfolio at once.
1. If a submission was made for a whole task OR for the entire portfolio, you will need to click on the Table of Contents menu at the top of the screen to access all of the sections that were submitted.
2. Click on the portfolio page that contains the work that you would like to view.
Repeat these steps as many times as is necessary to view all of the submitted pages.
Step 4: Select Instrument View

1. Use the View Full Instrument button to force the instrument into a full-screen mode. Click on the button again to return to the default criterion-by-criterion view.

2. Use the Toggle Instrument button to hide the Assessment Instrument. Click on the button again to unhide the Instrument.
Step 5: Comment on Student Work
Providing feedback to students is an important part of their growth. Various commenting options are available in Chalk & Wire to ensure that you have the necessary tools to provide your students with the best possible feedback.
For instructions on using a specific commenting method, select the method below:
Targeted Text Comments are made possible when using the Advanced Commenting feature. Targeted Text Commenting allows you to select any text within the student's work to comment on the content, grammar, and spelling.
Targeted Text commenting is not available on mobile devices. You must use a computer to use this type of commenting.
Step 1: Highlight Text

1. Using your cursor, highlight the text that you would like to comment on.
Step 2: Add and Define Comment

The highlighted text will prompt a pop-up window for you to add your comment.
2. Type your comment into the text box.
3. Select the Comment Type to save.
Step 3: View Comment

Your comment will appear below submission's content, and will offer the options to Edit or Delete.

You may also view the comment by hovering your cursor over the highlighted text within the submission's content.
If a student uploads a Word document, Excel file, Powerpoint file, or PDF file to their portfolio or assignment and makes a submission, an Assessor can then view the document within the assessment and make annotations on it. Once the assessment, including annotations, has been completed and released to the student, the student will be able to review the annotations.
Inline Document Annotation may not be active within your institution's Chalk & Wire site. If you are interested in having this feature added to your site, please contact your local Chalk & Wire Administrator to discuss the possibility.
Step 1: View Document in Browser

1. Locate the document and click on the View button.

The document will open directly on the page.
Step 2: Add Comment to Document

2. Click on the Comment icon in the top, right corner.

A message will appear instructing you to click anywhere to add a comment to the document.
Highlight a Section of Text

While commenting, you can highlight a section of text to specify the section to which your comment applies. Once you have finished highlighting, commenting options will appear:
5. Click on the Highlighter icon to save the highlighted section.
6. Click on the Comment icon to leave a comment on the highlighted section.
Add a Point Comment

3. Click anywhere in the text to add a point comment. A comment box will appear, which you can type in.
4. Click Post to post the comment.
Step 3: Close Box Viewer

Once you are satisfied with your annotations,
7. Click on the Close button.
If a student uploads a document file to their ePortfolio and makes a submission, their Assessor can then download the document and make annotations on it offline. Once the annotations have been made, the updated document can be uploaded to Chalk & Wire for review by the student.
Step 1: Download Document

1. Locate the document, and click on its name to download it.
Step 2: Open Document & Locate Content

Once the file has downloaded to your computer, locate and open it.
2. Highlight the text that you wish to comment on.
3. Use the Insert menu to select Comment.
Step 3: Enter Comment

4. Add your comment in the provided text-entry field.
Step 4: Save Document

Save the document as a new file, naming it and locating it somewhere memorable.
Step 5: Attach Annotated File

Return to the assessment screen in your Chalk & Wire account:
6. Click the Paperclip icon to attach your annotated file.

7. Click on the Choose File button to search for annotated file.

8. Locate and select the file on your local hard drive.
9. Click Choose.

10. Click Upload.
Video commenting enables Assessors to comment on videos provided by the student via submission. Assessors can leave text or voice comments on videos, targeting specific sections of the video or as a whole.
Step 1: Watch Video

1. Watch the video in the submission, and click the Add Comment button.
Step 2: Add Comment to Video

2. Use the slider bars to set the Start Time and End Time for the comment, if it is specific to a certain section of the video.
3. Enter your comment in the text field.
4. Click the Save Comment button.
Step 3: (Optional) Add Audio Comment

5. To leave an audio comment, click the Record Audio Comment button.
Allow Microphone Access

6. Click Allow in the Adobe Flash Player Settings access window.
Record Comment

7. Use the Record button to begin your recording.
8. When you are finished recording, click the Stop button.
9. To listen to your recording, press the Play button.
10. To save your recording, press the Save button.
To leave the recording window with your saved audio comment in tact, click on the exit button for the window.
Select Video Section, and Save Comment

11. Use the slider bars to set the Start Time and End Time for the comment, if it is specific to a certain section of the video.
12. (Optional) Enter a text based comment, in addition to the audio comment, in the text field.
13. Click the Save Audio Comment button.
Step 4: Review Comments

To review the comments on the video, click the Show All (#) button beneath the video. Once comments are visible, the button will read Hide All (#).
The Audio Commenting feature allows assessors to verbally record comments, rather than typing text comments.
If you are using a Mac computer, we recommend that you use either Safari or Firefox as your internet browser when recording audio comments. Chrome has a known issue with sound quality which may affect the audio that is recorded.
Step 1: Highlight Text to Comment on

1. Highlight the text that you would like to comment on.
Step 2: Select Type of Comment

2. When the comment pop-up windows appears, select the Record Audio Comment option.
Step 3: Allow Flash Settings

4. To ensure that your Flash Player and microphone settings are set up correctly:
- Windows: Right click on the Adobe Flash Player Settings window
- Mac: Hold down the Control key on your keyboard + click on the Adobe Flash Player Settings window with your mouse.

4. Select 'Settings...' in the drop-down menu.

6. Select the Privacy tab and ensure that Allow and Remember are both selected.

7. Select the Microphone tab.
8. If you are using your internal microphone (built into your computer) to record audio, ensure that the Built-in Microphone option is selected. If you are using a headset or another type of external microphone which you have connected to your computer, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate microphone.
9. Test your microphone by speaking. If you have selected the correct microphone option, you will see the green bar move as you speak. If you do not see this green bar, you have either not selected the correct microphone or you need to turn your microphone on using your computer preferences first.
10. Click Close.
Step 4: Record Audio Comment

11. Use the 'Record' button to begin recording your audio comment. Speak into your microphone and click 'Stop' when finished. If you wish to listen to your recording before saving it, use the 'Play' button.
12. When you are satisfied with your audio comment, click 'Save'.
Step 5: Save Audio Comment

13. (Optional) Enter a text based comment, in addition to the audio comment, in the text field.
14. Click the Save Audio Comment button.
Step 6: Assess and Comment on Criteria

1. Select which criterion you would like to assess by using the Select Specific Criteria drop-down menu, or the PREV and NEXT buttons.

Hover your cursor over the performance levels for the criterion to view their descriptions. Once you have decided which performance level will be selected,
2. Click on the Performance Level to select it. Once selected, it will appear in green.

3. Enter a Criterion-Specific comment.
4. Alternatively, use the Comment Suggestions feature. This feature will provide you with previous comments left on this criterion when the same performance level was selected, as well as your most frequent comments across all criteria and instruments.
If you are using the Comment Suggestions feature,
5. Select whether you would like to view Criterion Comments OR Frequent Comments.
6. Use the Arrows to move through the available comments.
7. When you see the comment that you would like to apply, click on it.

The assessment for the criterion is complete when you have selected a performance level and left a criterion-specific comment. In order to move on to the next criterion,
8. Click on the NEXT button.
Repeat Step 6: Assess and Comment on Criteria until all criteria have been assessed and commented on.
Step 7: Leave an Overall Comment

Ensuring that the Overall Comments tab is selected,
1. Enter an Overall Comment for the assessment.
Step 8: Set Notify & Release Options

Administrators have the ability to lock their own selections in place, disabling Assessors from making changes to the Notify & Release Options. You will still see which options are selected, but will not be able to make changes.
Ensuring that the Notify & Release Options tag is selected,
1. Select the Notify options:
- Yes: If you choose to notify the student, an email will be sent to alert them of the completed assessment. If you have also chosen to release the results, the student will be able to view the completed assessment from the My Results screen.
- No: You can also choose not to notify the student, which means they will not receive an email when the assessment is completed.
- Notify only When Results Released: This option should be selected if you do not want to notify the student that the assessment is completed until you decide to release the results. In this case, you would be selecting to hold the results of the assessment as well. Only when the results are released will the student be notified of the completed assessment.
- Notify after Final Escalation Level Complete: This option should be select if the student's work will be sent through escalation, and you would not like for them to see their score until all assessments in the escalation process have been completed.
2. Select the Release options:
- Immediately: If this option is selected, clicking the Save button, will trigger the release of the completed assessment results. Students will be able to access their results from the My Results screen immediately.
- Never: This option will prevent students from ever seeing the results of the assessment .
- Held until released: This option will prevent the results of the completed assessment from being released when completed and will hold the results on your Unreleased Assessments screen until you decide to release them.
- After final escalation level complete: This option will release the results when the final level of escalation for the instrument has been completed.
Step 9: Save Assessment

1. Click on the green Save button to save the assessment.
If you have not finished the assessment but would like to save your progress, use the Save as Draft option, instead.

A message will appear in green to indicate that the assessment has been saved, and provide you with the final score.
Troubleshooting: Cannot Record Audio Comments

Check Flash Player and Microphone Settings and Record Audio Comment
1. To ensure that your Flash Player and microphone settings are set up correctly:
- Windows: Right click on the Adobe Flash Player Settings window
- Mac: Hold down the Control key on your keyboard + click on the Adobe Flash Player Settings window with your mouse.

2. Select Settings... in the drop-down menu.

3. Select the Privacy tab and ensure that Allow and Remember are both selected.

4. Select the Microphone tab.
5. If you are using your internal microphone (built into your computer) to record audio, ensure that the Built-in Microphone option is selected. If you are using a headset or another type of external microphone which you have connected to your computer, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate microphone.
6. Test your microphone by speaking. If you have selected the correct microphone option, you will see the green bar move as you speak. If you do not see this green bar, you have either not selected the correct microphone or you need to turn your microphone on using your computer preferences first.
7. Click Close.